If You Have No Faith In Me
December 17, 2020 3:16 PM
Brian Ethier
Four fishermen were washing their nets and they were quite distraught,
Having fished all night and not a single fish had they caught;
Yahusha said to them, drop your nets in the deep and fish I guarantee,
Now here Simon Peter, how can I help you if you have no faith in Me?
The Pharisees to test the Messiah, they asked Him for a sign,
For His words throughout the land they had begun to shine;
But He is just the son of a carpenter, how can these things be?
You hypocrites, how can I help you if you have no faith in Me?
My words you say you hear while your eyes they do not see,
For I Am the Promise, the Light and I do hold the key;
Don’t you see My purpose, I’m here to set you free,
But how can I help you if you have no faith in Me?
Yahusha knelt down in agony, a bit overcome with fear,
He prayed to His Father Yahuah for that time it was so near;
You do know You must endure, for You alone are the Nominee,
For Son, how can I help them if you have no faith in Me?
How can I help you if you have no faith in Me,
If you have no faith in Me, if you have no faith in Me?