
I will throw a stone into your waters, and your waters the seas and the tides shall all rise – Patti Huson

Patti Huson

January 26, 2019

Thus sayeth the Lord “I will throw a stone into your waters, and your waters the seas and the tides shall all rise. The thunderings shall be heard in the heavens upon this earth and the waters shall become poison, there will be a thirst in the land, for I alone can quench man’s thirst, I alone am the only Living water, seek me, search me, and see for I alone and the voice of many waters, I am Truth The tempest shall rise, who shall not fear? Where can thou hidest in the cleft of the rocks, the mountains? You shall see I say, you shall see, for all these things shall soon come to pass as has been written. My warnings shall cease, my hand shall move, I shall declare my wrath from my heavens the earth is my footstool.”


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