
I will find the last lost Sheep and bring him to me – Godshealer7

Barbara Francis (Godshealer7)

Febuary 9, 2019

The flock is scattered . Many of my sheep are injured and broken. The shepherds in charge have not been feeding them meat. They are starving and dying. The shepherds have turned away from sound doctrine. They teach another Gospel, not my WORDS that are life. . These are the days written of in my Book.. False teachers teaching perverted doctrine, and giving their own interpretation of my WORD. Teaching them to trust in MONEY not in me.Many now will follow the false teachers false prophets and false Christs to the PIT.. The false teachers do not teach repentance and JUDGEMENT.They do not teach HELL and the consequences for not obeying my commandments and statutes.The false teachers have no understanding of the law and Prophets. How can they teach you about the Messiah and Savior when they dont know me. TO KNOW ME IS TO KNOW MY WORDS. ALL OF MY WORDS,. not just the words that are convenient I made a new covenant but you must know the beginning in order to understand the end.I tell you this now children. Follow no man.Trust no man Follow JESUS the CHRIST. Confess his name out LOUD. Do not be frightened or ashamed to speak the TRUTH. I will protect you in these last minutes. Flee from anyone not teaching JUDGEMENT. It is upon the earth now.I AM the Good Shepherd. I will find the last lost Sheep and bring him to me.


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