August 26, 2018
I Sustain you, My beloved children. I Am for you and not against you. I Work all things out for good according to My Plan and Purpose and at My Time. Put all your hope and trust in Me and do not lean on your own understanding. I Am in control. I will Help and Sustain you. I do not Fail nor do I Disappoint. Trust Me with all your heart for who I Am and for what I Am able to do and do not doubt Me.
Those who are weary, come to Me and I will Sustain you. I Give Strength to the weary. You can do all things through Me who Strengthens you, without Me you can do nothing. I Am always with you to Help and Sustain you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I Am always available for you, day and night. Call on Me wherever you are. I Am not far away, I Am where you are. I Am Emmanuel, I Am with you.
Hope sustains. I Give Hope to the hopeless. I Love and I Care for all. It is not My Will that anyone perish but that all repent to have Eternal Life. Repent because there will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance.
I Help and Sustain the humble righteous and the godly but not the arrogant, unrighteous and ungodly. I humble them. They are an abomination to Me and must repent or bear the consequences.
“Cast your cares on The LORD and He will Sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22
“Surely God is my Help; The Lord is The One who Sustains me.” Psalm 54:4