I know them not! / Choose me – Angela García

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I know them not! / Choose me

July 1, 2023 6:00 PM
Angela García

I LOVE all Child…

Daughter hear the words of the Lord…

Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. I AM that I AM how great I AM! Do they know me will they choose me over this broken temporary world? 
1 John 4:4

(1) Rcv’d 6/29

I tell you many profess they know me with their lips, I know them not! Where are the hearts seeking me or this world? I know them NOT! Now is that time no more free spirit. Time to seek body mind and soul I AM that I AM time waits for NOBODY. I AM at the door. Where are my faithful? Will they turn in time to make it into the Ark? My anointed have already put down the cares of this world. My good and faithful, Oh how I Love them. Those who Love me, and seek me more and more each day, excited for all that I have planned they are ready. My prodigals and faithful you will be next! I leave no man behind. Seek me now those hearts and souls are MINE! I wish for no one to perish or be left, but refinement must commence. I call my children to my feet. I Love All my children, big and small, good and bad. Do not stray come back to me. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart I sacrificed my life for you, died and returned to set the captives free. Be free my children I paid the price for your souls to be free.

Matthew 15:8-9

Matthew 7:23

Jeremiah 29:13

John 10:9, Matthew 25:21

Luke 15:11-32 (Prodigal)

2 Peter 3:9, Romans 10:9

Luke 4:18, John 3:16

(2) Rcv’d 6/29

Choose me, live for me. I AM the way the only truth and everlasting life. Humble yourself, and choose your maker. I AM not a man that I should lie, my ways are higher and greater things will you do in the name of Jesus. Yeshua Hamashiach know my name, my true identity. My ways are higher child you cannot fathom what I have planned for my own. My own know my name and they follow me. A heart of gold, they will carry it’s in the heart, I know all hearts. I Love you my child. Be my child, with childlike faith seeking me to the end of the earth. Greater things will you do. Know my ways and seek me now, time is of the essence!

Yeshua the true Messiah

Jesus the Christ

I AM that I AM

Joshua 24:15, John 14:6

Numbers 23:19

Isaiah 55:8-9, John 14:12

Matthew 18:2-3

John 10:27

(3) Rcv’d 6/29

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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