
I Know – Rachel Adamus

Rachel Adamus

I Know

The Holy Spirit came upon me intensely this evening when I wasn’t even in a time of designated prayer. I began praying in the Spirit with much passion for some time, and it seemed the Lord had something heavy that needed prayer. As the Lord brought themes to my mind for prayer, it was primarily that the established churches would be awakened to the miracle of the Holy Spirit’s guidance–bringing them out of the carnal “doing” of religion into the powerful leading of the Holy Spirit. Then, the Lord commanded me to write.
My daughter, I have loved you with an everlasting love, and I love all my children whom I have called with an everlasting love. I know your works [see this theme in the letters to the churches of Revelation]. I know that you have been suffering deeply. I feel the burden of your souls. My children, I collect all your tears in a bottle, and none of your persecutors have escaped my notice (Psalm 56:8, Acts 9:4). I care deeply about what happens to you, my people. I take personally every word that is throw at you as a barb of attack. I suffer, even as I suffered on the cross for the sins of the world, for in those sins were the sins of unbelief, the sins of evil thoughts, the sins of omission and commission, and every other sin that might be possible. Those sins you feel now, my children, when you suffer for my Name. You share in my sufferings in order that you may also share in my glory! (Phil 3:10, 1 Peter 4:13) I esteem you highly, my children, because you are called to a royal calling! (1 Peter 2:9) In you is all the fullness of the godhead bodily, both through my Son and my Spirit (Col 2:9). Lord, the Scriptures say that in Christ is the fullness of the godhead bodily. Yes, my daughter, but Christ has taken a bride, and the two shall become one flesh! (Eph 5:31-32) This is a great mystery! Since in Christ all the fullness of God is seen, so also in His Bride–who is joined to Him and one with Him–is all the fullness of God seen. Lord, surely not, for we, your bride, are still so marred and have fallen from glory and do not represent you as we ought. Indeed, because of this, I tremble when you call me to speak, because I fear that my humanness will get in the way of the purity and beauty of your words. My daughter, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I cover all your transgressions and purge all your iniquities, for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is my love to those who fear me, and as far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed your transgressions from me (Psalm 103:11-12). I will never leave you nor forsake you; it is when you are weak that I am strong! (Heb 13:5, 2 Cor 12:10) It is when you are despondent that I am courage for you. It is when you are weighed down that I am the High and Mighty one to lift you up! Yes, you are barraged with enemies. You are indeed hard pressed on every side, but because of me, you are not crushed! You are indeed despairing, but you need not despair, for in me is all the fullness of the Godhead bodily! (2 Cor 4:8) I am your Yehushua, your Savior, your King, your God! Is there any need in me? Is there any lack of fullness? Is there any emptiness? Do I need anything from you? Do I seek you for counsel? Do I not open up to you my storehouse of bounty? That includes protection from the Evil One, protection from the world, protection for your own flesh, protection from misrepresenting me. If I call you, will I not perform it? If I lead you, will I drop you? [I asked the Lord what He meant by not dropping me if He leads me, and He put an image in my mind of a very small child, just barely learning to walk, holding his/her father’s hand, ever stumbling but never falling. Indeed, He leads us but doesn’t drop us!] Will I ever forsake you? You feel the battle raging, as do all my loved ones, yet that battle does not represent my love for you and the truth of my guidance of you. When you are called, you are chosen, you are loved, you are begotten in my Son. You are overwhelmed with many devices, yet I am He who sustains you! Do not falter in your faith. Do not question my love for you, my obedience to the Father, my perfect substitution for you. When you faulter, I am there to catch you. When you fail, I cover you with my white robe, when you stumble, I lift you up. NEVER will I leave you nor forsake you! Hold up your head, my loves, for your redemption draws nigh! (Luke 21:28) Though now the night seems long and endless, yet in a moment, it will break with my glory! Though the persecution and suffering seems unrelenting, yet it will be turned upside down! Though your enemies are the powerful ones, yet in a moment, they will be as grasshoppers to you. (Is 40:22) Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Is 41:10). Hold on to me. Be calm in the truth of my claim on you. I am your husband, and I come for you, my Bride! I come!! Look up! Your redemption draws nigh! Hope in the LORD and enjoy sweet pasture in His unfailing love (Psalm 37:3). Rejoice, the LORD is King! I love you, never forget; I love you with an everlasting love (Jer 31:3). Your Yehushua HaMashiack
I want to comment on the seeming change of speaker throughout this message. The Lord has made clear to me that two of the persons of the Godhead were speaking in this message through the Holy Spirit, both the Father and the Son, so when you see dialog that seems to be coming from the Father, and then from the Son, and then again from the Father, etc., it is because they are both speaking, though our Lord Jesus, Yehushua, closes the dialog.
-Rachel, daughter of the King


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