
I Give You Direction, But Do You Hear It? – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

I Give You Direction, But Do You Hear It?

11/4/24 10:55 AM


As we transition, we open new doors new vistas that have not been experienced before.  Civil discord permeates all who feel they have been wronged.  Time will iron out these problems but not until many act out in discord.  One problem will be replaced by another until they start cascading upon themselves.

Much needs to change in the World to change the hearts of my children.  Like spoiled children much has been taken for granite with no thought of consequences along the way.  Now is the time to wake-up to what truly matters.  What is eternal, rather than what is physical, and of the flesh.

Those who make the shift will preserve their soul.  Those who do not will fall short of Heaven.  Each child is on a journey to find me, peace, and tranquility.  Along your path, know what is important and what can be bypassed.

I give you direction, but do you hear it?

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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