Fallen Angels, Giants, Prophecy, Wrath

I Bring Giants to Fulfill my Wrath! – William Brooks

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

I Bring Giants to Fulfill my Wrath!

9/3/24 3:42 PM
William Brooks

September 03, 2024

Behold, they come! I bring giants to fulfill my wrath! Hear my words’ oh dwellers on the earth, even the words of Yahweh, the great eternal God. For as in the days of Noah, so shall it be, and there were giants in the earth in those days, even the days of Jared to the days of Noah were they made and did they roam the earth in great evil. And so as it has been, so will it be and giants will return. In the days of Jared the watchers descended on mount Hermon, two hundred in all in the days of Jared they did descend from the heavens above. And they bound themselves to mutual imprecations, even their oath wherewith they bound themselves that has become an eternal curse for all who are bound thereby and of which they will never escape and so they lured and led astray mankind into great sin.

The watchers were enticed by the Satans according to the lusts of their hearts and fell to temptation from their glorious first estate and life eternal did they have in the heavens for so were they created. Yet they fell even as falling stars did their fall happen, and they have joined the Satans forevermore. So the Satans enticed willing women and taught them to entice the watchers after the lusts of their hearts, and some women gave themselves willingly to the watchers and their judgement they will bear. Others, were taken by force because the watchers subverted their worldly leaders of old, and they went and took women by force from their husbands and families and so the watchers took all they chose as their wives and abused many and of this unholy union were born giants, even great giants of old. Because the watchers further corrupted the genetics of mankind. And so they sinned against beasts, and birds, and against fishes and against all manners of flesh did they cross one with another, even in willing and hateful disobedience to the boundaries set by me, even Yahweh the Great Eternal God! From the beginning I created the earth with each seed after its kind and so boundaries were crossed that never should have been violated, and to cross the natural boundaries that are set by Yahweh is to bring insanity, suffering and death on the creation of Yahweh, and all who do will bear their judgement. Life is designed as an interelated tapestry where all life is connected in peace and harmony where love rules the day and all seek the well being of others, and not themselves only. Even a creation where there is no lust and evil desire to manifest itself into death and destruction, and so will it be eternally and evermore and the times of fullfillment are here.

And so four of the chief angels of the heavens, even Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel brought suit against what their former fellows had done on the earth, and so judgement was declared and executed swiftly on all involved and on the earth itself because the world that them was became utterly corrupted. The Nephilim, even the children of the watchers, were made to war with each other to the death in many great battles amongst opposing tribes and that because I took peace from amongst them, and they fought to the death and slaughtered each other as their Father’s (the watchers) were forced to watch the destruction of their abominable creations they had made for mankind’s destruction. From there the watchers were bound in punishment and judgement and were kept separate from each other for seventy generations. And so in the same manner that I had to watch my creation that I loved dearly be destroyed by evil abomionations, so did I cause the evil beings to destroy each other in punishment to their Father’s and so did I recomepense, for I am righteous in my judgements always and forevermore and I am a God of righteous judgments whose judgments fail not, nor linger from fulfillment.

And so I brought the great flood on the earth and a violent affair was the flood during the days of Noah. The fountains of the great deep were broken up and water violently broke forth from the earth itself, and the windows of heaven were opened allowing the waters above the firmament to flood the earth even above the tallest mountains and drowned all life on earth, all except eight souls saved alive on the Ark because Noah was found righteous before my gaze. And for this reason I took Noah and commanded him to make an Ark according to the specifications given by my hand. And I brought the animals that would be saved alive to him as well and so Noah was faithful to carry out all that he was commanded, and the flood did come as foretold and declared, for what I declare, even Yahweh the great eternal God, can no one change, nor hinder in the least!

And so Enoch the scribe of old details the fate of these giants as such, for I, even Yahweh, so declared: And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men, from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling. And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offenses. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them.

And so it is that at the proper time, Noah landed on Mount Ararat, where the Ark came to rest as the waters receded. And I did enter into covenant with Noah and in time Noah’s grandsons began to depart from the the covenant I made with Noah and as a result evil spirits began to attack them. And so these spirits, which were many, overwhelmed the children of Noah’s son’s and so Noah interceded for them and I did bind nine tenths of these evil spirits in the abyss where they have been kept in store from that time until the present day. And so I commanded and so Noah was taught all their medicines and seductions was he taught that Noah might heal them with herbs of the earth. And so one tenth of these spirits were allowed to remain free that they might lead astray in wickedness the sons of men who would lust after their lies. And so the remaining spirits that were bound for judgement in the abyss will be released in the times of Jacob’s trouble when the abyss is fully opened and the nine tenths of them that are so bound will be released to work their vile and evil ways as part of natural man’s judgment that is here, and will break forth across the earth suddenly and with great destruction!

And so Canaan, Noah’s grandson that Noah cursed on account of his wickedness, committed great sin (once again) using fallen angel knowledge and in the ways of Satan did he willingly go, of which he was willingly led, and he did make more abominations after the flood of Noah. And these abominations did infest the lands of Shem that were given by lot of inheritance, of which the accursed Canaan did usurp and steal for himself and they called his stolen land the land of Canaan. Many of his abominable offspring were genetically altered creations that utterly infested the lands of promise, of which I did send Moses to gather the children of Israel from the lands of Egypt to take their inheritance from the abominable ones. And so did Joshua do great war against these abominations as recorded in the holy writings and they took from these abominations their rightful inheritance and so it is recorded as a shadow of things to come. For in like manner will my son, Yeshua HaMashiach whom I have made Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings will come to take his inheritance from the squatters and usurpers for their occupation is unlawful. They are no kings and they have no kingdom but a great lake burning with fire and brimstone is their everlasting inheritnace.

Yet, Israel was not fully faithful in their calling and a remnant of giants were allowed to remain. But even in their disobedience I have restrained these abominations and destroyed many of them from the earth since those times. And I have driven many of them underground, and many of them went into unknown lands beyond the ice where mankind does not freely roam. Understand that mankind does not understand the earth on which he is made and of which he lives for mankind feasts on spurious lies sold for truth, repackaged as education and so mankind willingly remains ignorant that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

And so in time I removed giants from the earth in my mercy and grace and my desire to save mankind from destruction and their remains are scattered around the earth and litter my creation as a witness of their existance. Even the remains of their civilizations of old still stand in witness that they once ruled an empire of tribes on the earth during their so-called golden age, even in the days of Noah before the flood. Their megalithic ruins are scattered about as a witness against them and the very existance of these ruins stand as witness against Satans own lies who diligently seeks to hide the truth so he may have fully his surprise attack. And so I tell those with ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to learn what is to happen before it happens, so their hearts do not fail them in surprise and unbelief but that they may know the truth and be prepared for what is to come that they may be saved, even all who call on the name of Jesus Christ until their end.

So it was declared and so it has come to pass in the fullness of times, that I released the watchers from their prisons where they were bound in torment and punishment, separately from each other were they bound. And so they were released after the times of their binding were completed: even 70 generations. History cannot fully hide their release and many wars and cataclysms and other events happened worldwide with their release, and they did hurl themselves on the east, and they have joined themselves to Satans rebellion, fully, once again for so did they bind themselves forever more in their accursed oath, and in the lake of fire will their oaths be fulfilled for all eternity for they are bound to Satans punishment and inheritance forevermore.

And so they have prepared themselves in the time given and in a restrained manner for several jubilees now. They have surely produced their abominations once again and in secret do they prepare themselves and await the removal of the restrainer where they will try once again to break the boundaries I have set for them, for they are ever rebellious. And even though they are bound to fulfill the purposes of El Shaddai, for I am the Almighty God, they will seek to reestablish their golden age and take the earth for themselves, of which is impossible for the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, and the title deed to the earth has been purchased by my son Yeshua HaMashiach and into his mighty hands is it given as an everlasting inheritance, and he will share it fully with the faithful, called, chosen, and redeemed.

And so it is that the Satans and the Watchers have readied themselves, and they do eagerly await the removal of the restrainer, for in that removal is their kingdom fully released, and the earth will once again become as in the days of Noah. Behold! I give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfil my wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insulting and I will allow them to be unleashed on the earth yet once again in order to fulfill my purposes. They will break free suddenly from where they are hiding and they are hiding in their cities under the earth and they are hiding outside the ice of which will shortly be altered and into the world of men will they be allowed to invade, pillage, and conquer and the Dragon will lead them for they are part of his kingdom. But only for a short season, even Daniels’ seventieth week, a week of seven years will they be released where each day is a year and so seven years will it be. And they will devour much, and men’s heart will fail them on account of their fierce countenances and their sheer relative size compared to natural man. Behold, I AM the great I Am who has sent my Words by my servant, and by my servant have my words been sent. And so I tell you things before they happen so that my people will be at the ready and will understand what is to come, and to have discernment as these things will shortly happen. And all who call on the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, even Jesus Christ, in the English tongue will be saved.

And so it is that the great wrath and great judgment as promised of old is now set to fully come upon the earth and the times are now, delares the Great Eternal God! For an entire age of grace the gospel of salvation and the great mystery of God (that was revealed to the Apostle Paul) has filled the earth and has gone to the uttermost parts of the earth. And though many, many, many were saved, even all who came to Jesus the Nazarene in full repentance making him their everlasting Lord, the times have come for fullfillment because mankind has once again rejected their creator. And I, El Shaddai, even the Almighty God am he who has restrained much evil that the heirs of salvation may come to eternal life in Christ Jesus their ascended Lord. And so now I declare these things before they happen, for I am Yahweh the Great I AM! So tell them the GREAT I AM solemnly declares that at the gathering of my faithful children to my son when they are raised to meet him in the air and as the restrainer is removed that the entirety of Satans kingdom will be unleashed upon the earth and the earth will be altered.

I do declare in judgement upon the inhabitants of the earth that I will unleash Satans kingdom in its entirety and all of their abominations will break forth across the earth and all those spirits I bound in the abyss during the days of Noah will be released onto the earth for the times of final seperation and final judgment have come on the earth and the day of the great judgment is set. And so it will be that Satans kingdom will be given rule over the earth, because in my justice, mankind has so desired to be ruled by the Satans even believing his lies that he is a benevelont god and lightbearing enlightener that I will now give mankind what they so passionately desire.

And the fallen ones are fully released for their judgment and they have made their abominations once again. And they are bound to the earth with the dragon for so is their time and they will pose as aliens, even benevelont beings from foreign worlds. Yet, I, Yahweh the Great Eternal God, do swear by my own name, for I can swear by no higher that there are no falsely spinning worlds in an ever expanding expanse of nothingness, but above the earth are the heavens, even the heaven of heavens which is the highest of heavens where the most High God sits in everlasting sovereignty on his throne and nothing can hide from my gaze.

Behold! They are already making themselves known and their objects and orbs are all around and the earth is changing ever so rapidly now. And as natural man has now rejected my peace treaty, even my only begotten son Jesus the Nazarene, so now do I reject natural man and will leave him to be ruled fully by his enemies and they do lust for his destruction. Yet, my rejection is not full nor final, because a great multitude will be saved during Jacobs trouble, even all those who call on the name of the Lord, even Jesus Christ until the end. For salvation during Jacobs trouble can be obtained no other way. So the final seperation will begin and all whom I have ordained to eternal life since before the foundations of the earth were laid will come to eternal life and I will raise them to newness of life and great reward will they have.

So hear my words and focus your hearts on my words of warning and declaration because the times of the Gentiles are now over and wrath and judgment and great revealing are now upon the earth, because I, even El Shaddai, even the Almighty God am he who sits on high and nothing is hidden from my sight and I will now move to fully save all who are heirs of salvation as I seperate them from those who are destined for eternal destruction. And so the wheat shall be seperated from the tares forevermore, and all of those who are part of Satans rebellion will be given to judgment and the times of their judgment are set to break forth across the earth.

Hear my Words and understand the severity of what is to come because the day of the Lord is a day of darkness and who is able to stand?

I, Yahweh, the Great Eternal God, do declare these things before they happen and there is no more time. Whosever will come let them come to drink freely of the waters of eternal life and my invitation to life eternal stands and all those who call on the name of the Lord till the end will be saved.

I, Yaweh, the Great Eternal God, have sent these Words by my servant, and by my servant have these Words been sent!

The times are now!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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