Asteroid, Trump, Word

I asked will Trump or Biden become President – Servent

I asked will Trump or Biden become President

November 15, 2020

The Lord spoke the following words on 11/13/20 and 11/15/20 during prayer…

“I woke you up to speak on the things about to take place against the human race. As the days grow darker day by day look to me for what to do and say. The powers that be will continue to strip away your freedoms and liberties in efforts to manipulate and control you. Very soon all things will change at noon.”

“Trump is not who you think he is and no longer lives. For what you see is not of my seed, but the new breed. Biden is also not of me and from Satan’s seed. They both have changed their DNA and are instructed on what to do and say.” (Lord brought back to mind words He spoke previously...”they are all birds of a feather that flock together.”)

I then asked will Trump or Biden become President and if so which one?  Lord responded…”Neither one will become president due to the meteors and asteroids that will become evident. Chaos and destruction will fill your land and men will fall to their knees and weep over what they see. You must come to me for truth or else you will become aloof (means distant, uninterested).”


Original article can be found here

The person that originally received this did not want their name used.


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