I AM Your Inheritance
11/4/24 7:22 AM
Sarah (Jo Jo)
Given 5am 11/4/2024
From Abba Father:
Listen now My children, seek Me and I will give you understanding of My ways. Blessed are you, for the prophets longed to know these things that I declare in these last days. Blessed are My sheep who endure these end days with their hand in Mine
Psalm 16 I will lead you with My Light and Truth and you will rest in hope as those wicked rise up
Why did it seem so severe, when I caused the wicked to be destroyed, even all their belongings and even children…as with Achan, (Joshua 6,7)… when he disobeyed Me and brought the cursed things into the camp of My people? Yea, his sin caused many innocent men to perish and caused the evil city to mock Me and My people
And why, when My people did not obey Me and remove off of the earth the wicked ones whom I told them to destroy and all of their items that were dedicated to idols thus cursed (as in Joshua when they entered the promised land, and King Saul) … why did they think I did not see their disobedience?
Why did Balaam accept a bribe to cause My people to accept a curse by intermingling with the wicked, with Whom I commanded them NOT to intermingle?
Why do the modern day whitewashed tombs convince and entice My people and those who would be Mine to intermix with love for the world and cursed pagan things?
Yea, only I have Wisdom, only I see all.
Do you not know that those evil spirits of the wicked ones still tread the earth, to cause those who would be Mine to drink from a filthy cup, so that they would be defiled by those evil spirits, children of the fallen angels? Yea, I say to remove yourself from the doctrines of demons, and put the accursed items and traditions away from you.
Spirits of the evil ones cause people to trip into thinking that My commands are optional.
Why must you reject all that is accursed?
For Mine are a royal priesthood unto Me and are to have unspotted garments.
Demons have no obedience to Me, and they cause all they touch to be cursed with their curses.
Laodicea has diluted My Will and Word and modern day believers think I am okay with them mixing with evil things.
The seminaries have been largely taken over, yea, like the Pharisees in My time walking the earth… and they make their disciples twice the child of hell as they are… they cause those who would follow Me to believe in them and their words and neglect Mine.
I tell you to not trust in men or your own carnal understanding.
Yea, those who seek me will find My Understanding.
But this I will tell you:
I AM The Same, I do not change evil still roams the earth and WILL devour any who do not seek Me above all, and plant themselves in My Word
Laodicea sells you a packaged “Christianity” that denies that evil spirits are even in existence, that false flowery gospel is not of Me.
Achan’s unwillingness to believe Me caused much harm, and I cause him, all his family and belongings to be destroyed, for if people obey the evil spirits, all they have is cursed before me and must be destroyed or else the sin continues from them into future generations. The evil spirits do not die and they continue to destroy by convincing people that evil is good and that I AM a liar.
I am not a harsh God, it is your trust in Me that I require, do not question My ways, just obey Me, completely.
I tell you to separate from wicked things and do not even wish godspeed on a hypocrite that you discern with My Spirit within you why do I say to not touch the unclean thing?
Because you are to be a HOLY nation before Me, a royal priesthood unto Me, like Caleb and Joshua remained faithful to Me, I look for faith that endures in My sheep who are clinging to Me
I, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, AM High Priest and King
Hebrews 2,4,5,7,8,9
John 18
Rev 19
Mark 15
Even Herod know that The King was born
and you, My sheep are also kings and priests unto your God
Rev 1
1 Peter 2
Isaiah 61 and 66
Rev 20
Exodus 19
Just as I AM the Levite’s inheritance (Joshua), I AM also YOURS, those who KNOW Me
Psalm 16:5 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
Obey Me and cleanse yourselves and let My Word sanctify you for My use as holy vessels of honor unto Me, I have much good work for you to accomplish with Me leading you!
Soon, you will see Me!
Amen Lamb of God, King of Kings, your great High Priest
*note if inclined, more on this topic
Youtube John Kilpatrick
Vexed:part 24
council1arch on soundcloud Council of Time ministries
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