Oct 21, 2019, 6:54 PM
Thalita Kumi
I AM in you, I AM with you – listen to what the Spirit of the Lord has to say: Gather not riches in ths day, for tomorrow it shall be no more; trust not on the arm of man, and have no fear at all, for what you fear, you allow as your master over you. Allow Me to be your Father – Daddy – Shepherd, and no mishap will ever befall you. Stay in My love and this world will not be able to touch you. Love – My love – is the antidote for all sins and vices and keep you on the road to Me – My highest heaven, and My heart. I love you, My child, focus on ME !!
AM I not the Origin and Source of your life? Am I not every life-giving breath you breathe? How can you doubt that I AM all for you, and never against you? Yes, I stand against the SIN IN YOU, for it creates a division, a wall between Me and you, and I hate everything that brings separation between Me and My children. I remove the idols, I remove the false support; again I say, I remove ALL and EVERYTHING that separates Me from you, My children!
Do not mourn what you are losing, but rejoice that you are gaining ME, your SoUrce of Love, Life, Truth and Wisdom.
Do not mourn the world, it is dead. Do not mourn what I destroy – I AM jealous for your love! Mourn those souls whose hearts still clings to dead matter, fearing to go without it. They unite themselves so much with their material love, that they might have to perish with it!
I AM your Shepherd, I know where to find your green pasture. I know how to feed My sheep – physically AND spiritually. I just can not fail, leave or forsake you, it is impossible for Me, because I AM LOVE, I AM LIFE – I can do nothing other but to give what and Who IAM – do you understand?
In Me, you have Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Love. My children can receive nothing but love from Me, because that is what I AM.
You ask: What about my troubles then?
I say: That is Me consuming with the all-consuming fire of My love, everything that holds you back – everything that keeps you from Me. Can a lover stand there, watching idly as an enemy devours his beloved bride? I AM not a passive lover, but a most active one – and I AM burning all filth of the enemy off of My beloved. GET OUT OF THE WORLD, and you will not have to go through fire!