Kat Ha
May 5, 2018
My beloved, I’m jealous for your undivided attention. I want you to seek Me more than anything else. I want you to lay down all your burdens before me and surrender them to Me. Just let it all go! I am seeking those who worship Me in Spirit and in truth. Focus your heart on me for a while and the cares of this world will will fade away in the glory of My presence. I want you to sing songs of love, adoration and thankfulness to Me because I am already singing over you! Our love must be mutual. This defeats your enemies and they run from you seven different ways. This is what submission to Me is all about. I made you for My pleasure, I love the very thought of you! I made you to love Me, that we may have a relationship, so that you would know Me intimately and I created you to worship Me.
In the beginning all of creation sang a song of beautiful worship, in harmony to Me and all had abundant life and nothing was held back from them. After the fall I came to the earth to repair the destruction of sin by My blood sacrifice. I came so that all could have life and have it more abundantly. Soon My plan of restoration will be complete and all things will once again be as they were in the beginning and all sin and wickedness shall be burned up.
Beloved, I want you to lay down everything that you are doing for Me as well. I just want you to spend time being in My presence alone, with nothing else. I want to speak to each one of you but some of you don’t quiet yourselves. You pray to Me but your mind and heart are somewhere else, then you wonder why your prayers don’t get answered the way you want them to. Some of you call upon others to pray for you and that is fine if you are in agreement with your brothers and sisters. I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven (Matt. 18:19). But there are those who constantly ask for prayers from others that do not ask of Me THEMSELVES and this should not be! How can I honor your faith if your faith is in a man to pray? Do not hold these religious men in such high regard, they have become idols to you! Let Me into your temple and I will smash all of your idols but then you must clean up the mess left behind by purifying yourself in Me. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16b).
I tell you, that if you came before me in worship, your soul and spirit would be completely fixed on Me and you would pray My will and your prayers and requests would be answered. This is because when you truly worship Me, My Spirit is released and My Spirit surrounds you in a tangible way. This is when My Spirit speaks the most clearly. So it is imperative to humble yourselves in worship! One who has pride and refuses to worship Me will not receive what he desires from Me because he will not pray My will. You must desire Me more than what you ask from Me!
To some of you I would say this, that you are focusing on what the enemy is doing way too much. I do not ask you to be ignorant of his devices. In fact My people perish for lack of knowledge. I am the source of all truth, wisdom and knowledge so you must keep your eyes on Me. The enemies plans must not be your primary focus. There are some that worship the enemy in this way. This must not to be! If you worship Me and seek Me first, I will reveal the plans of the enemy to you so that you may prepare for what is to come. I know everything that he has planned and I can lead you to safety through the war, destruction, calamity and chaos if My Spirit is leading you. But you must be at peace and listen for My voice and this will come when you worship Me and your heart delights in Me. There is no other way!
King David was a man after My own heart, not because he was perfect. No, he made many mistakes and sinned grievously, even more than most of you, but he humbled himself before Me in repentance and he worshipped me like few on your earth ever have.
David’s focus was on Me completely, where is yours beloved?
The One who is worthy of all of your praise and worship,