I am here standing at your door… will you let me in?
November 25, 2020 8:17 AM
Kerri B
11/23/2020 About 1:45am
I am here standing at your door… will you let me in?
Psalm 91:16 – With a long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.
You must come to me… only I can give you rest. Eternally begotten by the Father which is in Heaven. My son shall reign on earth… we have the victory! Come follow me and I will give you rest. Rest in me, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yeshua HaMashiach, who lives and reigns with you forever and ever. I come soon my children, upon the clouds of glory upon glory. I AM that I AM. The time is now!
(I was given notes like a TO-DO list)
- forgive me Father… for I have sinned…
- Prepare your hearts for my coming
- Do NOT be deceived… I come soon.
It is so. I am merciful and just. As a just judge, I will judge the earth. Seek me while you can find me. The door WILL SHUT. Meet me, for I come quickly and my reward is with me. Come away with me in the night. Your salvation awaits you. My word does not return void. Meet me upon the clouds of glory upon glory! The time is at hand. Peace be still and know that I am God… who was, who is and who is to come. Not to bring peace, but division. I mark my own, you will be sheltered under my wings. Do NOT fear…for I am coming!
Amen, Amen it is so.
Prepare my children, your redemption draweth nigh. Heaven is rejoicing, awaiting your arrival. Be in good joy, the day is at hand! I come soon my children, shelter under my wings…for great fear will come upon the earth. I will protect my own, while vengeance is mine. I will pour out my Spirit upon you and show you my salvation.
Amen, Amen it is so. I AM that I AM.