I AM going to raise my company of Joseph’s
June 22, 2020 1:05 AM
Patti Young
I began to hear words from the Lord in my spirit. The Lord said
” I AM going to raise up my company of Joseph’s.”
Then the Lord told me that Joseph supplied the needs to Israel so they would not die. “These will all be sent out in the strength of my GLORY and none of this will be done by human hands, but by the will of my Father. There is a changing of all things. The Ark of the Covenant, I AM the Ark, I AM their covering, my Covenant is my promise to Israel.A message of Hope I will send out through my chosen workers of my harvest, Hope to a fallen world, nation and kingdom, Hope that I alone the Saviour of all mankind will bring. Rejoice all ye heavens, for Babylon the Harlot, the deceiver of many nations and people has now fallen. Dust of the earth she shall now return. My harvest will bring in many from my lost tribes, who have not found their way unto me, but I, as a faithful Father shall return many to my bosom, a promise that I have made to Abraham.”
Genesis 47:12 ESV
And Joseph provided his father, his brothers, and all his father’s household with food, according to the number of their dependents.