I AM going to bring My Warning this Autumn
June 10, 2020 2:27 AM
The Little Prophet Of Love
27th May 2020 11:21 AM
You are My child. I want a ‘peace’ within you. Jesus is speaking to you now. Place every worry forward to Me.
Planes, planes will go to a place to cause war. Children have not learnt. Playing games with the enemy. Oh, please stop war!
This will come and people will perish. This will be sooner than you think. Playing, playing with peoples minds. This will occur when this world is in turmoil. Children you think you escaped this pandemic and you are free, but this will not last. Waking up and realising how much I govern this earth will be your ‘heaven path’. This will be a chance to repent.
When I speak child… listen. Please, please pray. With prayer I can do so much. I will give you what you need.
I will give My son employment. He must search thoroughly. Yes, I will be a God of Love. Because you follow My commandments I can provide love for you and when people stray this causes conflict. I cannot be in them.
I AM going to bring My Warning this autumn. It’s a chance to repent, it’s a day of mercy. It’s a time to reflect. It’s a busy time for those who love Me. I know child you worry. You will be comforted by Me when you see Me. I will reveal My true self and you will be absolutely loving every moment.
I love My children. Do not doubt me for one moment. This is My gift. Wake up and come to Me. Give your ‘yes’ to Me. Will you do this children? I have a heart filled with compassion. With My servants I show love.’ Ask’ little ones, I have said this before. Pray,pray much.
This love is precious.
I will bless you little one.
In The Name Of The Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit