Jan 6, 2024, 8:29 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Isaiah 45:14-24, Jeremiah 23:1-8, Revelations 21:2-7, Zechariah 14:4-21, Joel 2:1-11, Daniel 7:9-14
As I was praying, I saw a vision of a green serpent. It was looking at me and coming towards me and as it was about to come to me, all of a sudden a lion appeared and crushed its head with it’s mouth. It sinked it’s too into the mouth of the lion completely crushing it’s head and spitting it out. Then the word of the lord came to me after the vision.
Word of the lord Jesus Christ
What is a serpent compared to a lion? What is a dragon compared to God? I AM and I always win. The spawns of satan, the serpent seed are automatons. They have no free will except the will of their father satan. satan cannot create a soul, only I can. A soul is a locked class entity just like the angels and they can only come from me. Only I have the power to create the soul. satan can create copies of spiritual automatons but it will not last for long. These entities exists only to deceive mankind and to bring them to hell and eternal darkness, nothing more. They are mere toys in my eyes. Choose me and choose life. God the father YAH and God the son Jesus, Yahusha ha masheach.