Warning Vision: HUGE Fiery Rock Hits New York City. JESUS IS COMING!
Oct 9, 2019
Auto Transcript
Auto good morning is October 9th 2019 I’m
coming out today because the Lord gave
me a vision of a fiery rock hitting New
York City the vision was in black and
white I saw the rock paused above New
York City it was incoming from the
Atlantic Ocean side the built the
buildings were smaller than the rock the
rock was taller and wider than the
buildings or of New York City and the
rock came in out of the ocean side of
New York City so from the Atlantic Ocean
heading from east to west and the rock
was completely firing and on fire
flaming I don’t know if it was an
asteroid what it was but it was a fiery
rock okay and it was a very strong black
and white vision and when I saw it I was
shocked sort of a wake out of prayer had
been praying for over an hour and I
asked the Lord for immediate
confirmation he gave it to me he gave me
the number 227 in John 14 to 27 means
true and in John 14 it says truly you
have spoken he told me to look at the
time for in a second confirmation it was
6:16 6:16 means to give birth to and it
means prisoners as in setting the
captives free
the Lord has taught me for quite some
time that there will be some kind of a
judgment coming on to New York City and
this was confirmed in my vision today
I’m putting this out there because the
Lord has confirmed it and I am a watch
woman I do not know the day of this
happening but I believe it will not be
long because of the events that we’re
seeing we know the return of our Lord
Jesus Christ is very soon so if you are
not saved I would highly encourage you
to pray to Jesus repent of your sins ask
him to come into your heart Jesus is God
he died for our sins so that we can be
pure and stand with him in heaven ask
him into your heart ask him to show you
how to live for him and he will walk
with you and he will walk with him and
you’ll be with him in heaven
no matter when our time comes whether it
be in the rapture or in a judgment god
bless you