How to Eliminate All of the Ads
April 6, 2020 9:45 AM
Hello Everyone
This is an amazing site and Jonathan does a terrific job in maintaining the 444 Prophesy News site.
I totally understand as a business man that time is money. It is easy to understand by the quality of this site that Jonathan spends hours a day keeping everything in order. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it costs money to survive. I also understand why Jonathan has had to resort to putting ads on the site so that he can be compensated for his time and to pay his bills. I don’t know about you but it sure would be great if I didn’t have to navigate through the ads when trying to read messages from The Lord.
How much is God’s Word worth to everyone here? How important is this website to you?
Are you visiting this site almost every day or like me more than once a day? Do you get excited like I do to see who God is using to speak through every day? If you had to put a dollar amount on this site would you say that it is worth a dollar a day to you. I know that we are in tough times but this is God’s word that we are talking about. Even Paul received money from the different churches because he had living expenses. Is it possible that we can all trust that God will provide and that we can make a commitment to a monthly gift that we can pledge to Jonathan for his service to us?
I asked Jonathan how much it would take on a monthly basis for him to cover his expenses and for the ads to go away. He told me that $2,000 a month would accomplish all of that. This is an appeal to anyone here who is willing to step forward to make a monthly commitment (that you can back out of at any time). So, let’s call this a pledge drive. Make a commitment right here in this tread and then you can find out from Jonathan the different ways that you can send him money. I am doing this on my own and in no way did Jonathan ask me to write this.
Let Go and Let GOD!
I pledge $50 per month