Holy Spirt Teachings 27
From 04/09/23 to 04/11/23
January 22, 2024 3:12 PM
Dawg Gone It – LynL
There are things in this life that all put together, sums up our lives. What we do, participate in, learn and watch and see is who we become. What we have seen as we grew up formed us as well. Some of us were able to learn of God’s presence in our lives, whereas others have purposely stayed away from religious beliefs.
Many of the things this world has taught my children are fabrications of the truth. It is imperative you know and believe in both God and Satan. By Jesus sacrifice you are able to make it to Heaven, if this is your choice. Satan is happy to take any soul, no matter what you believe. His main teachings (to the world) have been that he doesn’t exist, so there is no worry of Hell. He has also made sure that all individuals think that they are special and don’t have to follow any rules. Without following rules, one does not have to address sin.
This Earth has many seducing spirits that tell you that it will feel good, it will give you power over others, it will give you freedom, when you sin. But what the seducing spirits don’t tell you is that sin is not accepted into Heaven. So, the fleshly desires must be repented of and stopped if your choice is Heaven and God.
Satan is crafty and will lead you down into the abyss, if you allow him to. All sins are of Satan and must be dealt with now, if you want entrance into Heaven. I will work with you and help you if you don’t think you can handle this on your own. Start talking and praying to me so that I can guide you. All sins can be irradicated if this is your desire. Do not believe the lies that demonic spirits tell you (subconscious). Their only goal is your soul. So not believe a word they say.
Fort Knox
We all have riches in our lives. Some worship money, some success, some family, some vacations and others love sports. These are the riches that are foremost in their minds. No matter what is important to you, I find most do not look at their soul and where it will go upon death. It is only an abstract thought with seemingly no answer for many. Your soul should be the first thing you value. Your life on Earth is only a testing ground for various experiences that show who you are. It is only a “drop in the bucket” of time of eternity, that you spend on Earth. Eternity is either spent with me (I Am) or with Satan. Satan’s eternity is filled with sadness, loneliness, darkness pain, agony, with no way out. If you have ever been depressed, you can multiply this by one hundred-fold. An eternity with I Am is filled with love, life, light, happiness, joy, intrigue and much more. There is no more strife. Eternity is one of these two places. There are no other options. Sin doesn’t make it into Heaven. If it did, it wouldn’t be called Heaven.
Everyone who wishes to be with me needs to repent of all sins (past and present) and stop all sins immediately. Get close to your creator. I Am only a prayer away.
Cat with Nine Lives
We are put on Earth with one life to live. What we do with the time we have on Earth is up to us. Some squander their time on frivolous endeavor’s, others invent things that make other people’s lives more convenient and some help people who are in need. Each thing that we do has an impact on others. These impacts are sometimes great. But what is considered great on Earth may amount to close to nothing in Heaven.
My ways are so much greater, when you look at your neighbor like yourself. The problem with most of my children, is that they are much more concerned for their own comfort and success than someone else.
As the months move forward make efforts you haven’t made in the past to help someone out. Think of others, rather than solely thinking of yourself. Many will be in need and sharing is a good way of becoming a better person in the Heavenly scales. What you do for those in need, you have done for me. Be the change you wish to see.
Locomotive Breath
I breath into all my children the breath of life. You were all formed with a purpose and accomplishments that you were to perform while on your Earthly stay. My breath created who you were to become, to a certain degree, and gave you a starting point. Of course, free will plays a major role in direction and purpose as well,
Many of my children wonder why sin was allowed into creation. Without sin one does not have choices. If there was only cold water, one would never understand what hot water was. There would be no choice. I created mankind to have choices and many options to choose from.
If I Am was the only choice to partake in, how would you be able to decide for me? I would be the only direction you could take. Earth is where you make choices of good or bad, before your death. Knowing of Jesus as your Savior is crucial knowledge for Salvation. He died for you and took YOUR sins away so YOU could choose him or Satan for your way of life.
Many of my children still believe they can ride the fence of indecision and still make it into my Heavenlies. This is not true. Sin must be checked outside the pearly gates, because entrance is not awarded to those who have dirty garments. Your garments must be clean and free from sin. Sin can be gotten rid of by repenting of that sin (past and present) and not returning to it. Pray to me often and read my word. I will be there to help, all that need my help. Just ask for my assistance with the changes you need. I have always loved you and want to spend eternity with you.
The Colt, the Gun and the Dog
My ability to wake you up is predicated on your interest in what I have to say. When you do not perceive a notion that something is important, you may not pay attention to the message. I can warn, tell you why you should pay attention and even layout points of interest that might pertain to you.
Most of my children believe that there is plenty of time on the Earth and there is no hurry to worry about their Salvation. Some do not even know what salvation is. Salvation is the ability to be saved (from Hell). So, they may ask, “What am I being saved from”?
Mankind was born into sin and man has a fleshly nature that sometimes gravitates to sin. When one partakes in sin, it is difficult to stop it, if the flesh enjoys what it has been partaking in. When one introduces sin into the body, it is an invitation to demons to reside in their b0dy. These demons take up residency and do not want to leave on their own. They are much more comfortable in one’s body, so unless the person actively tries to rid themselves of that sin, the demon stays.
Salvation is based on a clean soul. One needs to repent of all sin and stay away from that sin. The demons will eventually leave because they are no longer comfortable in a clean soul. Sin is not allowed in Heaven. It is time to sweep all demons out of your fleshly nature and get ready to go to Heaven. It is not too late to get to know me and spend eternity with me. You might want to know what this had to do with a Colt, a Gun and a Dog…Nothing, but it got your attention.
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