
Holy Spirit Teachings 55 From 10/25/23 to 11/14/23 – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Holy Spirit Teachings 55
From 10/25/23 to 11/14/23

7/29/24 1:45 AM

Conducting and Orchestrating the Universe
I give praise to the conductor; I give homage to him as he traverses the Earth conducting the souls to Salvation and Repentance.
The Earth is his footstool, he will not let one of his perish, for they have been given to him by the Father.
Each seed that is sown has the potential to become fully grown and harvested. Life’s encounters are the stops along the way that nourish the soil with choices and decision that must be made. Each choice or decision becomes the destiny you lay out for your soul. It is the nourishment or lack thereof that brings you closer or farther from me. Let your seed be nourished with my living waters, leading you to Salvation and my Kingdom.

One Purpose- Salvation
You are the chosen, you are the Army, my workers who house my heart. As we prepare for battle, we are strong, we are directed solely for one purpose-Salvation of the masses. Our advisory, the devil, cannot touch my army for he is weak in comparison (no comparison). Nothing he does will prosper in your presence.
As we march off to battle, we will heal, deliver, change hearts, repair souls that have been damaged and change the direction of many souls that have been lost. As they change their direction to, I Am, others will follow them until our warehouse is completely full. Love will abound everywhere, for I Am love.
Be ready for all the changes that are necessary. I Am your commander and chief.

My Words are My Gift to My Children
The curtain is unveiling your new reality. As the veil of the curtain thins, you will see what has not been seen before, in your realm. Darkness, shadows, noises, lights are perceived by some and not by others. You can actually feel the darkness and know you are not alone.
Rebuke all evil, in the mighty name of Jesus. Bind it and send it to the abyss in Jesus’s name. Fear should never be part of your experiencing darkness. For fear will allow more darkness to enter. The sword of the spirit are your words, you use to fight the demons. As you notice and perceive the new realm, practice, and have your words for they are powerful. My words are my gift to my children, who know me.

Hearts Work Best When in Righteousness
Your heart when working properly is caring, giving, loving and shows kindness for others. Many of my children’s hearts are damaged and not working the way they need to be. For every sin, that they have allowed into their bodies, are hinderances to the functioning of this organ.
Each sin allows for blockages and hinderances to full optimal functionality. All blood goes thru your heart giving nutrients to all other organs. When I read your heart, it tells me all about who you are and the condition you reside in. Sin damages many of the organs, as everything flows thru the heart.
It is time to give up all that hinders your soul and condition you reside in. It is as easy as repenting, for all sins, and then not returning to them. Get close to me in prayer and learn of my word. Together we can repair all damage that your heart has endured over the years.

I read the hearts of all my children as they go thru life. Many have choices, they have made, that cause them deep regret. Choices that have hurt others, maimed others, destroyed others. These choices could have been averted if they followed one of my two most important rules. Love your neighbor like yourself.
Many of my children dwell in the past. It is now time to repent of all past deeds that don’t align with my word. It is time to leave these burdens behind. I give forgiveness with repentance. For I died for your sins, so you could be forgiven.

The Harvest Will Commence Soon
The Wheat and the Tares are two distinct groups of my children. Those who follow me, read, and follow my word, spend time with me, are my Wheat. Those who follow a different master (father) are the tares that will be bundled up and set on fire to spend eternity in darkness. They have followed another voice, one that brings them to sin. Their flesh is strong, and soul is weak. They have followed another master.
The harvest will commence soon, bringing each to their own “resting” place. Until your death, you can call out to me, you can repent, you can change direction.
I Am awaits your change, to change your destination (outcome). Eternity waits you, one place or another.

Sin is a Deterrent to Your Soul
Nothing is as important, in this world, as your knowledge of I Am. I Am the one and only God that created everything you see. I created you, to be a child of the most high God, to have free will and choices along your journey. Many of my children’s choices, they have made, up to now, are poor choices for entering into my Heavenlies.
Sin is a deterrent to your soul and advancement is hindered from getting to know me when in sin.
Like a shower or a bath, your soul is cleaned from sin with repentance of all sins, past and present. Repentance is a commitment to change and with that follow thru, your sins will melt away. That free choice is your commitment to my Kingdom or another. Free choice was given, so at judgement day, it was your actions (good or bad) that will determine your new residence.
Right now, you can change all erroneous routes you have been travelling on. Get on your knees, in repentance, before it is too late. Make that commitment to change. I love you more than you will ever know, and I do not want to lose you.

Portals of Time
The rippling of the waves, the undulating of the Earth, the explosions blast into the sky, the winds categorically changing the Earth, the sky exploding in light, the Lord shows his might.
The universe is molded with God’s hands for God’s picture of future events are on course to happen. Be ready for the trials and tribulations you will soon face.

Time slips through the portals of time, now going faster and faster till our destination is met. Each route that brings one to their destination is littered with sins that can adhere to one’s body or not. Like bures that stick to the fabric of your soul, each child must navigate around them, being careful not to pick them up, along the way.
Each child must learn the right way or the wrong way to conduct their lives. Until they do, some of the paths they take can be dangerous to their souls. Life needs to be looked at from many different angles with a magnifying glass. For there are many secrets that can be revealed when looking closely at each learning situation. Your earthly stay contains these lessons and choices. All choices collectively, become who you are and what Kingdom you belong to. I Am there to guide you along the way if you so choose.

Revival the World Has Never Seen the Likes Of
I Am the God that is merciful, kind, and loving. Soon you will experience a revival that the world has never seen the likes of. Healings, deliverances, growing of new limbs and body parts that have been damaged will occur with regularity upon Earth. Minds will be renewed and helped out of dependency off drugs and alcohol. No longer will my children live in pain. I Am will wake you up to my existence and my absolute love for you. Choices for my Kingdom or another will be made with crystal clarity of mind, for sin vs righteousness is a choice. Choices that are made will be eternal choices that will lead to one of two destinations, Heaven, or Hell. After death these choices are permanent and immovable. What is to come, will change everything abruptly. Be ready, for we are almost there.

Pray for Provisions to Supernaturally Appear
As the darkness prevails many of my children will be tempted to steal to eat, pay their rents and to have the basic necessities. I Am warns that this is NOT the route to go, for it is not of my Kingdom.
Pray for me for provisions to supernaturally appear and that your needs be met. Do not walk, into darkness, for that path leads to the abyss.
No matter what you do, stay centered in me. Stay on course, for that is where you will find me. Love your neighbor like yourself and share accordingly.
As it gets darker, those of the light, will be seen more readily, for they follow I Am closely.

Wake to the Revelation of Time
As the mundane is no longer your reality, you will experience many occurrences that change the topography of the Earth. Floods, sinkholes, volcanoes, earthquakes in magnitudes never seen in your lifetime. Each occurrence will give rise to questions like, “Why is this happening? What is happening?” For each of my children need to wake to the Revelation of the time we are living in. They must fine tune their focus to I Am if they wish to survive.
Many catastrophes that are dormant will wake-up to wake-up the masses. Watch as change comes upon your lands. Not all changes will be Earth changes but there will be many man-made catastrophes, as well.
Pray for protection, pray for your health, pray for those you love and care for. I hear the prays of the repentant heart.
Everything is a test. A test of our ability to adapt, our ability to change for the better, our ability to know what is right and what is wrong. We are the test. We are those leaves that can bend with the wind, we are change with every breath we take.
No matter who we are, we need to align with the creator, we need to focus on what is truly important in these coming days of whoa.
No one knows which test will come first, what decisions will have to be made, until they appear from nowhere. It is never what we expect, but instead, the unexpected.
Give credence to all that is in front of you, for the past is just that. Change happens in the now. Make that change for the better. Be who you are meant to be.

I Am the Word – A Famine
All is not lost, for the words you put in your heart will last. I Am the Word; I stay with all that retains my essence in their hearts. For there will be a famine not of food, but my words. My words may disappear from sight (and hearing) but not for those who know me, love me, and follow me. For they have become the embodiment of my words through their actions and love for others. They know who I Am, through the words they have committed to heart, soul, and mind. Even though there may be a famine of my word, those who know me will carry it forward.

The Most Important Person of the World
The world has had one majorly influential person who has walked the Earth. He influenced centuries of people before his arrival. He influenced Kings and Queens and masses at his arrival. He even changed the course of history after his death. His death being the most talked about in the history of mankind. His death was the greatest gift to all his children, for without it, salvation was difficult to accomplish.
He left this Earth, knowing many would follow his word. No one will ever impact the world like Jesus did.

Continuing in Worldly Pursuits That Have No Heavenly Value
Those who think they are intelligent, well-schooled, clever are those who can’t see what is in front of them. They proclaim their degrees, knowledge, and brilliance while my chosen see, hear and do what is important in these final moments, before change becomes obvious even to those in the flesh.
As the chosen continue to try to wake the lost, the others continue in their worldly pursuits, that have no heavenly value. Their time is poorly spent trying to impress friends and colleague who are also without merit.
Whatever time is left, read my word, pray to me, glorify me, repent of all mistakes, and wrong directions you took in life. Free your soul of all encumbrances and lift the weight that has held you down for such a long time.
I hear all that is said and see what has been done. There is no hiding who you have become. Your soul will be cleansed as you repent. There is no more time to put this off.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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