Holy Spirit Teachings 54
From 10/21/23 to 10/23/23
July 21, 2024 10:37 AM
Many Say They Will Repent at Their Last Minute of Life, But Not Before
10 /21/23
For Jesus said if you repent and ask forgiveness you will enter into the Kingdom of God. Many think that this is an open invitation to sin, it is NOT.
If you are a sinner, you are on shaky grounds. God knows who you are at all times. He measures the heart. You do not hide anything from him. Many die in their sleep, in earthquakes, car crashes, that they never saw coming. They did not have that last minute to repent, therefore making entrance into Heaven a moot point.
What if God knows that was your plan all along (for he knows everything), and decided that you would never have that last minute, because of the way you have lived? For God is all knowing and whatever he wishes to happen, will.
What he wants from you, is your true repentance and leaving all sins behind. God has always wanted you to enter into his Heavenly Kingdom, but entrance requires rules and commandments to be kept.
Know that trying to outsmart your creator is like being your own lawyer; the outcome is never good.
Your creator knows your every thought, deed, sin, or kindness to others, you have ever done. There is no camouflaging who you are; all will get their just deserts.
I Am In Charge
I Am in charge of all things. Sometimes things must get much worse before they get better. I Am will guide and direct the events that will change the landscape of the political arenas. I Am will direct the course of events that will encompass the Earth. As events play out, I Am will be there to guide and nudge events that will ultimately make a major overall difference in your lives.
You will know who is in charge as events play out, as each piece of the onion becomes exposed. Many will come to salvation through healings and deliverances and will get to know I Am like never before. I will be there with each raindrop, breeze of the wind and movement of the Earth. I have always been in charge and always will be. I Am the creator, I Am the Father, I Am.
No matter where any of my children are right now, it is never too late to come to your creator, your Father. Time is unwinding down, and it is important and imperative you get closer to me before it is too late. For some of my children, disasters that are set to start soon, may shorten, or terminate your life. None of my children know their last day, so it is important you repent and get close to me now. Each of my children need to find salvation before their last breath. Come to me in a repentant, humble state so you too will be saved.
Very little time is left, so do not waste it on things that do not matter. I love you.
I shake up the world, in a blender, and wait for knowledge and understanding to fall upon my children. Each piece and section of the Earth that is disrupted causes many to reevaluate what is truth and what is not. I wait for those effected to wake-up to new realities, to new understandings.
Displacement of what is currently the norm, must occur now. My gentle hand has not been effective for many of my children. It is now time to change their surroundings, their comfort zones. Be ready, if you do not know me well, for your reality to change. Know that it is for your good and salvation that this is being done.
It is important that you know me, for the times coming upon the Earth will be difficult, if not impossible, to understand without knowledge of my Kingdom and I Am. I will shake you, to wake-you. Be ready for the next curve in the road.
I cry for the souls who will not find me on time. I weep for those so caught up in the world, they don’t even know that danger is all around them. I Am grieved for those who have a path in the wrong direction, and I have sorrow for those who believe all the lies. How can I correct the direction a soul takes without changing the fabric of what they know and understand? Change is what is necessary to wake-up the masses. I Am will supply that change, where it is necessary, for the souls of my children are at stake.
All should get close to me as events are about to take place. Repent, pray, cry out for those you love. Your words and actions all make a difference in my Kingdom.
Hiding Behind Barricaded Walls of Apathy
Most are not ready to take on the burdens of life, on the run, or life on the streets. Each of my children, who have not learned humility, will experience what is necessary for their further development. I Am a God of order, fairness, and love. How can you love your neighbor, until you have experienced what they have experienced? How can you show your heart, through you acts of kindness, when you hide behind your barricaded walls of apathy.
Life has many lessons that need to be learned and even more so, experienced. I will put you in the shoes of others so you will learn compassion and love for all, no matter their status and hierarchy in life.
It is time to wake-up to a new reality, a way of helping you become closer to Salvation. Do not squander the opportunities you will be given to show you have learned and comprehend what life truly is about. Give of yourself and what you have to others, even when you have little
Life is just that, it lasts as long as it lasts. We are captive in our flesh until the soul is realized. Each soul has taken a journey while on Earth. They learn many things and lessons while residing here. Some stay on the straight and narrow till they pass over, but most find it hard being on the righteous road to Salvation.
Many have completed their mission and move on when this is the case. They have accomplished their mission and reason for being here. Do not mourn the loss of the days they could have had but be joyful for the days you did have with them.
As each of my children start to realize that something is not right, no longer normal, they will slowly wake-up. Most will be in total shock and not understand why all these things are happening to them. Some will find me, in this process, while other will need more input and devastation to occur to understand, I Am exists. Each of my children will be enlightened at their own rate. Some will find out the power of my name accidently and move toward me, totally by their survival instincts. Continued sins will put up a blockade from getting to know me, the way they should.
It is imperative that sins be repented of and stayed away from, to fully get to know me. Sin is of darkness, and I Am only of the light. We do not mix; we do not coexist, we are separate. Get to know me by stopping your sins, and thru prayer we can and will get closer.
Those of my children who have spent their lives focused on work, family, play, vacations, friends, and other activities, you need to change your focus. Focus on I Am, for I will be the only one who will be able to help in troubling times.
I have always been there, yet you have never truly perceived me. I Am part of your life, yet you don’t give me credit. I have always been there for you, but you have never utilized me. I Am invisible, for all intent and purpose, even though you were made in my image.
As things play out on Earth’s battlefield, consider calling on the one and only true God. I can be found I prayer and repentance. When all other avenue’s fail, don’t be prideful or stubborn, instead try something different, that you may have not tried before. I await your awakening.