
When they see this to not be afraid – Katie Troutman

When they see this to not be afraid

Jul 29, 2019, 9:13 AM
Katie Troutman

I awoke from a dream this morning.
(July 29, 2019) The Lord spoke to me and gave me instructions to tell His people something.

This dream was more like a vision. I was at home in the Ozark mountains. Standing outside by car. I was able to see a very long ways. I was high on top of a mountain. I saw what looked like an ocean / huge body of water of what looked like red clay. It moved like ocean water. It rolled and moved closer and closer. I was afraid it was going to hit an apartment building and the edge of town. I wanted to warn them.

I asked the Lord God, ” What am I seeing?
There is no ocean here. “
He said . ” This is a mountain crumbling apart. Tell my people when they see this to not be afraid, I am sealing them in. In order to protect them from what is going to take place in the country. “

I want to report exactly what was relayed to me and nothing more.

There is one more dream I would like to share that I had at the beginning of May , this year. I’ll give the link to Julie. Whedbee’s dream that was given to both of us the same night. My comment with the warning God gave me is in her comments section.

I didn’t write it publicly because I thought this is enough. Julie’s.giving it , people get it, there’s no need- and I just told people I knew and wrote it in the comments. A friend told me recently that I should tell what God told me due to the fact that all of the Iran ‘stuff transpired shortly after that amongst other things. So here is the link to what God showed and told me in the dream along with Julie’s confirmation warning dream on the same exact night with same exact message.

I pray that the Lord God Almighty. The maker of heaven and earth. Our awesome creator, Father and friend blesses you and keeps your families safe in all that’s to come. We may suffer for a night but His joy will surely come in the morning.
May God and the Lord Jesus Christ keep and bless you forever more. In His name, Amen.

Your sister and fellow servant.

Katie Troutman

Comment Referenced below:

I am speechless. I had the same type of dream, the same night as Julie did. My husband and I were with a couple who had relocated like we had and we were spending time together on the road in a car. We were talking about moving and I saw on the side of the road a sho with a ton of pine trees beside it and lots of pinestraw on the ground. I told them that’s the one thing I missed so much about NC was the pinestraw and the smell of it. I told them we had to pay to have it shipped in a box to us this year for the garden. ( which we did) The husband of the woman said he wanted to pull over and talk to the shop owner. We all four sat down at a picnic table first to the side by the pine trees and I asked Him if he would ask if they man sold the pine straw.
He went in and talked to him and we were talking about relocating when the friend’s husband came back and said the man and himself were talking about the end times and the man looked him dead in the eye and said , ” Warn your families, this is going to happen soon. You need to prepare this is very soon. ”
I have adult children to tell as well…my family. It’s all I thought about yesterday.
I was shocked when I read what Julie wrote. It was so teal and I got the same EXACT warning on the same night.


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