By 278pikelk
October 17, 2012
Heed My Warnings
Take heed to the warnings from My saints now. These warnings are meant to prepare your hearts and minds for what is coming. Nothing is being done by Satan that can not be seen. All of his schemes come to light. My Saints need to pay close attention to what is going on in the world around them. Do not engage yourself to this world, but remain faithful to your engagement to the Son. Your pure hearts are made pure by the Son. You can not purify your own heart. If you could, why then did the Son die on the tree? The only thing that can make you holy is the Son, standing in the gap between you and the Father. My Father requires you to be 100 percent pure and holy to enter His house. Only the Son can impart that holiness upon you through the Ruach Ha’Kodesh. The Ruach Ha’Kodesh, Holy Spirit must be invited into your life and heart, so HE can begin a work in you, changing you into a holy creation, uncorrupted and fully receivable by the Father. HE will only accept perfection. Because of your sinful and human natures, you are not holy. The only way to become holy is through the Son and the Ruach Ha’Kodesh, Holy Spirit. As We say, your good works are as filthy rags. Invite the Son and the Holy Spirit to work in you, to create a new heart and to flow through you in all you do. Be a vessel for the Son to fill. Give up the things of this world. Do not use your own willpower, for you will never conquer the sin. You will never live victoriously without the Son. Present yourself Holy to the Father in these last days. Oh, how the Father loves His children, His creation. When you allow the Holy Spirit to transform your heart and allow His works through you, no longer are they as filthy rags. Allow your heart to be changed. The Son can conquer even your biggest demons. Financial problems, addictions, health problems, impure thoughts, nothing is too great. No problem is too great for the Son to solve. Allow the Holy Spirit time for refining your heart. Refining your heart may take time. Be patient with yourself, and don’t get discouraged. Allow this circumcision of your hearts and minds to occur. When you do, you will be allowing yourself a closer relationship with the Son. all I want is your heart.