
Heed My Call – Hope InHim

Heed My Call – Hope InHim

Published on Feb 10, 2019


Write My Words so they will abide on the hearts of men. I forgive ALL who ask. Whosoever does not ask is not forgiven. My Word shall stand forever. Your lifetime is but a drop in the bucket. Reality is not what you see. Realty is Me and the Kingdom of Heaven. You will be here very soon now My children. The Father’s heart comforts many in this hour. Turn to Me while you still can, and I will imprint Myself on your heart. Trust Me in this. Lean not unto your own understanding, but trust the Lord in all your ways. Your life for Mine; that is not correct. You give up nothing to find Me. Yet I search the world for just one of you. Heed My call when it comes for it will pour over you like streams of living water.

The Father


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