Hearts Have Grown Cold
October 8, 2021
Barbara Francis
Their hearts have grown cold, wickedness abounds . They say in their hearts there is no God. They have not been taught my ways or taught about me . They lurch from one crisis to another . They are out of control. They live in darkness . Murdering their children and pets leaves them without conviction . They just don’t care what consequences may be the result of their actions . There is no empathy or remorse. My eyes see every deed, nothing is hidden from me . I see the false teaching and doctrines of demons that man can not recognize becoming the truth for them . I see this all over the earth ,in every country and nation. Where is the humility?. There is none . I see cold hearted men women and children . I see a culture of death worldwide . Life is not honored. I see evil and perversions. Many do not believe in heaven or in hell. I will make a change in time. FEAR NOT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE WITH YOUR EYES . In the coming days man will understand that GOD IS ALIVE .
Original Article Can Be Found Here