
Heal the Sick – Anno.Domini.144K


Heal the Sick

May 30, 2021

May 30, 2021

A few years ago—in the days before YouTube experienced the censorship it does today—because I would peruse the channels of Christian YouTubers and those exploring natural ways of healing, videos of Christian healers and healing miracles would appear on my computer screen. Curious, I clicked on the videos, many of them of well-known healers associated with the Assembly of God and other charismatic denominations known for practicing the laying on of hands. Some were legitimate Christian healers with the gift of healing imparted by the Holy Spirit. Others were questionable and had been exposed as frauds.

But many of the newer videos I watched were of lesser-known people, ordinary folks who took Jesus’s instructions to his disciples in Matthew 10:8 very seriously—

“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”

In faith, these under-the-radar Christians regularly stepped out into shopping malls, parks, and neighborhoods to spread the Gospel, pray over people, and heal the sick. These simple and ordinary Christians weren’t healing inside church buildings and in controlled environments, but radically stepping out into the unknown and trusting in the Holy Spirit to connect them to people who needed the Gospel message and physical healing. And healing miracles happened wherever they went, to Christians and nonbelievers alike, who often felt tingling, heat, and interior movement in the areas of their bodies being healed. Pains disappeared, bones snapped into place, limbs shrank and grew as needed, and crooked spines aligned. Sometimes, quite visibly, unclean spirits and demons departed, and the people prayed over received deliverance.

Fascinated by what I saw in video after video, I felt a desire to be used by God to do this kind of ministry. I asked God to impart to me the gift of healing if it was His will. I asked for an opportunity for some kind of formal training in this ministry, not realizing that God was already training me with each video I watched.

One night I received a dream vision from God in which I could see inside the torso of a woman as her various internal organs were being healed, one by one, by the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit entered an organ to heal it, the entire organ would instantly light up with brilliant white light. The process I saw resembled how in a pinball machine, when the ball hits different parts, they light up and make a sound, but what I witnessed was brighter and silent. So that’s how it works, I thought as I looked on in awe.

The very next night when I entered a corner gas station to buy sundries, I stood in line before the cashier and noticed a woman standing before me. Though her back was to me, I saw that the left side of her head and her left ear was swollen and red. She was complaining to the cashier about being in pain. She explained that a few days before, during her sleep, a spider had crept into her left ear and then been trapped there when she turned her head to sleep on her left side. The spider had bitten her twice before she awoke and discovered it. When she went to the hospital, she was given antibiotics that she developed an allergic reaction to, which compounded her swelling and discomfort. She was miserable and wished there was more that she could do to take away the swelling and pain.

As I stood behind the woman and listened to her story, the Holy Spirit gave me a nudge. “Go ahead and ask her if she wants a prayer for her healing,” He suggested. So I did. She agreed to join me for a healing prayer in the back corner of the gas station store. I was a bit nervous, as she was a complete stranger and I had never done this kind of healing prayer before. Thankfully, the woman didn’t know a was a beginner! But the Holy Spirit reminded me that He had been teaching me for a while, and that I knew exactly what to do, especially if I trusted and followed His guidance.

Together, the woman and I stood and prayed. I led the prayer: “Father God, _______ and I stand before You. ________ loves You as Your child and she knows that You don’t want her to suffer. Therefore, as a daughter of the Most High God, I command in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, (pointing to her left ear) ear be healed right now!” I spoke to the ear with authority, knowing that as a form of creation, it had to respond to an order given in the name of the Creator. “Spirit of pain, be gone in the name of Jesus!” I continued. “Spirit of inflammation, be gone in the name of Jesus!” In Jesus’s name, I commanded any unclean spirits and demons linked to her illness to depart and never come back.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit told me to leave her ear, point to her pancreas, and command this organ to heal too. I did, also ordering the beta cells to regenerate and produce insulin. Upon hearing this, the woman laughed, saying, “I’m diabetic.” Then the Holy Spirit told me to command her vasculature to heal as well. Her diabetes had damaged the lining of her blood vessels. Finally, the Holy Spirit told me to place the heel of my right hand just above her sternum and command her heart to be healed in Jesus’s name.

When the Holy Spirit told me the healing prayer was finished, I then looked into the woman’s eyes. They shined. “How do you feel?” I asked her. “My head feels light, so light. That side doesn’t feel heavy anymore,” she replied. Her whole being seemed to have a new joy and peace. She was rosy like she was tipsy on the new wine of the Holy Spirit. “Do you know Jesus?” I asked her. “Yes, I do know Jesus,” she said. “Well, He’s the one who healed you,” I reminded her. “Thank you, Jesus!” she said. After that she thanked me, and we both went our separate ways home into the night.

That was my first experience of healing others with the Holy Spirit in Jesus’s name. Since then, I’ve had many other occasions to do healing ministry. On a train. In parking lots. On sidewalks. In supermarket aisles. In a Walmart Ladies Room. Even on a staircase landing in a shopping mall. Some kind of immediate physical healing occurs in about one out of three cases. Pre-COVID, I often did not touch the person but held my hand six inches away from the part to be healed. Even when untouched, some people feel tingling, heat, and even a bone will move with a pop. When healing is not immediate, sometimes people report back in a month to tell me a chronic condition has improved significantly or resolved. Whatever happens, the person has connected to God and encountered a Christian in discipleship action. Occasionally, the Holy Spirit has words of knowledge, a message to convey to the person I am praying for. When that happens, the message can be linked either to a sin yet to be repented for or to the content of the person’s prayers only God would know about. The person I pray with for healing becomes aware of how God sees all in their heart and mind and cares enough to show through a prayerful Christian stranger that He has listened to and remembered the content of their prayers.

I write this testimony to witness personally to how the Holy Spirit even today, especially in these End Times, can use simple, ordinary Christians in supernatural healing in everyday circumstances. We Christians just need to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit (He is within us) and be ready to step up as disciples of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit does prepare us and teach us as we go. We meet together and miracles happen. Expect the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in faith as you serve the Lord Jesus Christ and bring in the lost to the Kingdom.

John 14:12-14 (NIV)

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

Acts 5:12-16 (NIV)

The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade. No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them were healed.


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