He Came Looking For Me
October 19, 2020 3:31 PM
Brian Ethier
I was a captive for so long, but His mercy released me,
I was wandering in the darkness, but now I can see;
For over the mountain, where lonely I long wandered,
O but then the Good Shepherd, He came looking for me.
O wonderful Savior, O wonderful Savior!
Now and forever my boasting shall be;
For over the mountain, where lonely I wandered,
And so lost when Yahusha my Savior, He came looking for me.
While weeping, I so longed for the rapture of pardon,
How I longed for my heavy burden of sin to be free;
It was then as I lifted my humble earnest petition,
That Yahusha the Good Shepherd, He came looking for me.
Now filled with the fullness of perfect salvation,
And washed in the Blood that was shed on the tree;
Now this is my rejoicing through ages eternal,
That Yahusha the Good Shepherd, He came looking for me.
Oh, for the harp of a Seraph to praise Him!
Oh, for the tongue of a Heavenly Messenger to sing;
All glory, all glory to Yahusha, my blessed Redeemer,
For I’m now adopted, and the child of a King!
I was so lost when the Good Shepherd, Yahusha, my Savior and King,
He came looking, He came looking, He came looking for me!