Hard Days Coming Soon
July 22, 2022 1:59 AM
Friday, July 22, 2022, at 11:32
“My precious daughter, come to your Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, your Lord, your King, and your Bridegroom, quiet your heart to hear what I will say to My children.
The days are passing by and the days are diminishing day by day, My dear children, how do you spend each day that I have given you? How much of that 24-hour period do you spend completely put everything aside and just being with Me? How much time do you spend in reading My Word and communing with Me? How much of that time do you meditate on My Word and listening to the still, small voice of My Holy Spirit in you?
My children, why do you not believe that the days you have left on this earth, the testing ground are numbered? Why do you still seek and hope to know Me and My Words from the mouths of others, but do not take the time to come to Me yourselves to hear My voice, to receive life directly from Me?
You have forsaken the fountain of life to seek doctrines that come from men or demons, thinking that you are right in doing so; you do not come to Me directly in all things to seek My heart, and do not ask for My answer, but are busy asking this man or that man, thinking that you are seeking Me in this way, not knowing that you have been led astray by man.
Children, I know you have many questions, I know what you are going through, so why don’t you come to Me first yourselves to seek the answers I Am going to give you? Come to Me first in all things and seek My will, which is something that each one of you must do.
The hard days are coming soon, in which My words will be legally forbidden and My name will be mentioned at the risk of losing your lives, how will you then, My children, know My will and guidance for your lives? The judgments have begun, the calamities are coming one after another, giving you no respite, so how will you know then where is the place of safety to which I will lead you?
Come to Me now, My precious children, I Am the source of your life, I Am your light, I Am your shield around you, I Am your refuge, I Am your fortress, I Am your high tower, I Am your help at all times in trouble!
Come to Me now, to receive your life, to receive abundant life that I desire to give you, for I Am the life, the truth, the only way to My Father, and apart from Me there is no salvation; call on My name now, which is above every name, and there is no other name under heaven or on earth given by which you can be saved, and whoever calls on My name will be saved.
My children, take time now to come to Me each day, sit quietly at My feet, enjoy the good times with Me alone, and listen carefully to My instructions for your lives. You must know that I Am your only companion in the difficult times that are coming, My voice is the only guarantee that will bring you to safety, and that will enable you to survive.
Do not hesitate, do not delay, come now!
Whenever you sin, confess your sins immediately, repent, and sin no more, and be cleansed from all your sins by My blood shed for you on the cross; spend time in My words every day, meditate on them, ask My Holy Spirit to help you understand the truth in them, and put My words into action, living them out in every little bit of your life.
Your King will soon come, My children, are you all ready? When the last trumpet is blown, the children who are truly Mine will be caught up in the clouds, to meet Me in the air; the wedding feast of the Lamb is ready, My angels are ready, everything in heaven is ready, are you ready? Have your clothes been washed white by the blood of the Lamb?
Come, My beloved children, I Am waiting for you with open arms at the end of your heavenly journey, hold on, it is only a few steps away, though it is difficult, but I will be with you, I Myself will take your hand and lead you safely through these last steps.
I love you, your soon-to-come King, the King of kings, the Lord of lords.
Jesus Christ
Please take all to the Lord in prayer
God richly Bless,