Hanukkah Begins at Sunset 11/28/21
November 27, 2021 6:07 PM
Hello My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Yahushua Messiah.
This is just a quick head’s up that Hanukkah/Chanukkah The Feast of Dedication, The Festival of Lights begins at sunset on 11/28/21. (It is probably later if following the Enoch calendar.)
Hanukkah is not one of the festivals we are Biblically commanded to observe, however, we know from John 10:22-23 that Yahushua did observe it.
John 10:22-23, KJV. 22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.
23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.
The Hanukkah story can be found in Maccabees, which is in the apocrypha. You can find Maccabees free online if you don’t have a hardcopy. The first passage is in 1 Maccabees 4:36-59. There is another brief mention of it in 2 Maccabees 10:5-8. It is about the Maccabean revolt, and the miracle of the oil burning for eight days when there was only enough oil available to burn for one day. I would encourage you to look up and read 1 Maccabees at least to understand the background. There are a lot of parallels to what is going on today.
Hanukkah means “dedication.”. Hanukkah was the Maccabee’s dedication of the new temple and a celebration to YHWH/God. Also, what is used for the lighting of the candles (they used to use olive oil) is often called a “menorah,” but the proper term is “hannukiah.”. A true menorah has six lights, plus the center/chumash for seven, but a hanukkiah has eight lights, plus the center/chumash (used to light the others) for nine.
A prophetic family was told years back that Yahushua was conceived at Hanukkah. This would make sense as it is a time of miracles, and with Yahushua’s birth likely at Sukkot, the last of the fall festivals. One festival which will be observed forever. The 8th day is called the Last Great Day, which would have been the day of Yahushua’s circumcision. Makes sense, and is an interesting study.
I read somewhere, that the chumash, the candle in the center, which is lit first and stands higher than the others represents Yahushua. He gives us our light, represented when we light the other candles. …this reminds me of the Word Patti Young had that mentioned that some of us will be as fire, God’s fire in us, Him, walking the earth, on fire! HalleluYah!
I kept seeing a group of people and they had fire on their arms and on their hands and their mouths and their feet.
They looked like they were on fire, but they were all standing inside of God. These are who Satan greatly fears. God himself is going to come down onto the earth. I thought of Moses, everytime the presence of God was on the mount Sinai it had fire and smoke and it shook.
Let your light burn brightly for our Mighty King Yahushua!
Happy Hanukkah!
Chanukah Sameach!
Much love, blessings, encouragement and shalom,