October 6, 2020 4:04 PM
Tasha Grant-Reid
Received: October 5, 2020
(This word was received in prayer and devotion in the early morning hours.)
The children have been deceived for millennia. What does it profit them to gain the world and lose their soul? (Matt.16:26) Half-baked and lukewarm they come to me(Rev. 3:16)…Haven’t I told them they will be scorned(Matt. 7:23, 1 John 2:28, Psalm 6:8 & Jeremiah 17:13)… It is not my will but my Father’s will that must be done(Roman 12:2). They will not perish in their sins if they turn to me but they will die in their sins if they turn away (John 8:24). Sin breeds death (James 1:15)…many are dead but claim to be alive…can they truly believe they are hiding their sins from God? (Isaiah 59:1) Ananias and Sapphira could not lie to God and so can’t you (Acts 5:1-11). Jealousy, contention, covetousness which is idolatry have taken your hearts my children… Yes, the enemy has filled you with bitterness… Instead you should be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:23, Acts 5:3 & Eph. 5:18). People filled with the Holy Spirit cannot and will not do the things you are doing… You say…” Mine, me” always… never thinking of anyone but yourself! Did I come for my sake or yours? (Rom. 5:6) Flee from the works of the flesh children, walk in step with the Spirit (Rom.8:5 & 12-14). The Spirit alone gives life, the flesh profits nothing (Rom. 5:13). My Children on Earth my not have a thing here but all they have is here with me in the Heavenly realms(Col. 3:3, 2 Tim. 1:12 & Eph. 2:6). Think about that. Who can charge the elect?…who can take away what they have? (Rom.6:20&Rom. 8:38-39)None… I am the Giver and Possessor of them all(Col.2:17 & 1 John 2:2). See…the trials they endure only for a season to make them pure (Rom. 8:18). Be Holy, for your Lord is Holy flee from all forms of immorality – sexual sins do not please me (1 Pet. 1:16 & 1 Cor. 6:18). My servants know this, yet many engage in these very things. Oh my children, oh if you were clean…pure. Clean and white in your garments (Exodus 19:10 & Rev. 3:4)…oh if you were clean.. I desire purity in thought, word and deed children. Come out! I say…come out of the world and the Lord of Hosts will receive you (2 Cor. 6:17). He will set you on your feet and cause you to walk in His ways or lest you perish (Psalm 40:2, Eze. 36:27 & Malachi 4:6). It is not my will that any should perish… But their own. (2 Peter 3:9)
Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Written by:
Tasha Grant-Reid