
Habakkuk Chapter One – Solitary Man

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Habakkuk Chapter One

7/28/24 11:44 AM
Solitary Man


Hab 1:1 The burden (doom, in the sense of grievous calamities, heavy judgments) which Habakkuk (embrace) the prophet did see (perceive, contemplate).

So we begin to examine this short, but thought provoking text. Thought provoking in that here is a man of God that will not stand on ceremony. He is not willing to accept the pat religious answers of his day. He is not afraid to directly approach God with what he does not understand.

This book should encourage all of us to never be afraid to go to God when life is not making any sense. If there ever was a day when nonsense reigned supreme, it is this day. Nothing is at it seems. In every direction, we find lies, deceit, and chaos. No one is there to make sense of it for us. We turn to the right and to the left, but cannot get at the truth. Reality is rapidly becoming a heavy burden. We sense that our doom is at hand. We perceive it. We are beginning to comprehend this fact.

Let us see what Habakkuk does, in the face of his own personal time of grievous, imminent judgment.

We can divide the first chapter into three general sections. Verses 2-4 is Habakkuk’s first complaint. Verses 5-11 is God’s response. Verses 12-17 is the prophet’s second complaint.

Habakkuk’s Complaint

Hab 1:2 O LORD (Yehovah), how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear (shama)! even cry out (zaw-ak – to shriek) unto thee of violence (khaw-mawce – cruelty, violence, oppression), and thou wilt not save (yaw-shah – defend, deliver, preserve, rescue)!

Can you not feel the intensity of the emotion here? Since 2020, have not all of us at one time or another felt that if we heard or saw one more act of tyranny and oppression by our evil rulers, that we would just shriek and tear our hair out? Have we come to the place where we just can’t stand it any more? So much evil. So much hate. So much madness and despair. No one in authority is standing on the side of righteousness. All are corrupt. Not only are they actively working against their own citizens, but against humanity itself. What kind of ruler opens their border wide open, and actually facilitates the invasion of their land by the most ruthless of wicked men, and even pays for that invasion themselves? What sort of government actually undertakes a program of mass poisoning of their own citizens? Who would ever imagine such a thing?

As we became aware of these once unimaginable things, so we began to cry out more and more to the Lord. Yet if we are honest, all we have seen is defeat after defeat for the side of righteousness. Four years later the people are still being poisoned. The borders are still wide open. We are provoking other powerful nations into world war three. We are intentionally destroying our own energy and food supplies. We are poisoning our skies, our water, and our lands. We are embracing the worst forms of sexual depravity as the new moral high ground. We continue to slaughter the unborn at record rates. Not content with killing them in the womb anymore, we are injecting them with incredibly toxic concoctions at a record rate. And it they survive all this, then we are encouraging them to cut off their own genitals, just to top it all off.

Where is yah-shaw? Where is deliverance? Why won’t God hear us? What is going on here?

Hab 1:3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity (aw-ven – literally nothingness, also idolatry and wickedness), and cause me to behold (look intently at) grievance (toil, misery, perverseness)? for spoiling (violence, desolation, robbery) and violence (khaw-mawce) are before (in front of) me: and there are that raise up strife (wrangling) and contention (quarrel, brawling, discord).

Are we not yet exceedingly weary of even accidentally running across any mainstream media spin on any story they choose to tell? Every thing that they say is a lie. The do nothing but spew hate and division. God, why are you allowing us to live at such a time as this?

I want to stop here for a moment. I cannot count how many times zealous, but naive believers are exclaiming on their podcasts about how exciting a time it is to be alive. How can they say this with a straight face? Do they think this is some sort of a game? Just because the horrendous evil has not yet personally touched them in a real serious way, so they sit back and are observing all of this, and conclude that eventfulness is synonymous with positive excitement.

Let me ask you a question. What time of your life was more enjoyable – the time you were on your most memorable vacation, or when you had to take care of that family member with terminal cancer? Your wedding day, or your spouse’s funeral day? The day your child graduated, or the day they were run over by a drunk driver? The day you got your promotion, or the day you were fired?

So exactly how is it more exciting to live in a time of unparalleled evil, with more death, disability and suffering than ever before witnessed in our lives, versus the lives we had before 2020 and the kickoff to the so called great reset? What would possess any rational thinking person that living in the midst of world war three (and that is what we are living in right now), is better than living in peace time?

Let’s ask Zephaniah what he thinks of the day of the Lord:

Zep 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
Zep 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
Zep 1:17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.
Zep 1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

Habakkuk is asking God why is He showing him this unprecedented evil. All this evil is literally nothingness, in the same vein as an idol represents nothing in the light of eternity. Habakkuk looks around, and sees nothing but misery, perversion, robbery, desolation. The people all around him are interested in doing nothing but raising up strife, quarrels, brawling, and discord. Does this not sound like BLM, Antifa, and the Muslim hordes overrunning our lands?

Still excited to be alive?

Hab 1:4 Therefore the law (torah) is slacked (poog – sluggish, feeble, to cease), and judgment (mishpat – verdict, sentence, righteous decree) doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about (enclose) the righteous (tsad-deek – lawful, just); therefore wrong judgment (mishpat) proceedeth.

Habakkuk is not finished. God’s torah has ceased. Has not the commandments of God been extinguished in our societies? Lying, stealing and murder have become so commonplace that no one even notices anymore.

Mishpat is everything. Without mishpat, there is no good and evil. There is no heaven and hell. Life becomes utterly meaningless. Some say all you need is love. If that is so, why don’t you go try and love those 30 million invaders that have been brought to America? Maybe they’ll all volunteer to go back home. Or maybe the 120,00 Chinese soldiers amongst them will suddenly decide to switch sides, because Christians just decided to unconditionally love them. Why don’t you go and try and love those psychotic Hamas lovers at all the campus rallies? If all you need is love, this should be a piece of cake, right?

Oh, how absurd the general beliefs of the church have become! We have lived in a time bubble, in a nation during a particular portion of time that generally insulated us from the brutal reality of what kind of depraved, unimaginably wicked world we currently reside in. Well those days are officially over. That is why books such as Jeremiah, Lamentations, and now Habakkuk are starting to come alive like never before. Before 2020, I don’t think too many could perceive just what the heck these books were really talking about. We all assumed that the Israelites, and then the Judeans, were a special kind of evil in order to bring such a terrible judgment upon themselves. This in turn is one of the main reasons why so much antisemitism sprang up within the Christian church. We were so arrogant and naive. As if the Jews had a monopoly on corruption and wickedness. Now that our once Christians nations of Canada and America have descended even lower than Samaria and Judea, we are now beginning to comprehend the reason for God’s fierce anger, and just how appropriate God’s response really is.

We have thrown out judgment. The wicked are enclosing all around us, tightening their noose. We refused to judge evil. First in our own hearts, then in our churches, then in our nations and in the west in general. The result? By 2030, you will own nothing, and be utterly miserable.

The Lord’s Answer

Hab 1:5 Behold ye among the heathen(take a good look, you goyim), and regard (look intently, and have respect to what you see), and wonder marvellously (taw-mah taw-mah – be in consternation, amazed): for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you (recorded accurately).

You can take the first portion a couple of ways. Literally, the Hebrew says to look, Gentiles, or perhaps look very carefully you Gentiles. This would imply that God wants all people to stop and listen to what He is about to say. The more likely interpretation is an interpolation, in that God is saying to the Jews to take a good look at what sort of judgments God has wrought in the heathen nations. Heathen empires have risen and fallen. All at the good pleasure of the Creator. God says to regard it carefully.
This makes more sense as we continue to read the subsequent verses.

This verse is used by Paul in Ac 13:41 when he quotes it in regards to warning the Jewish listeners to not reject the word of the Lord:

Act 13:41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

Here Paul is quoting from the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew Old Testament, that contained several significant variations from the original Hebrew. Instead of the word heathen, the word despisers is used. This feels like the kind of thing modern translators do when they create a paraphrased version of the bible. Heathens were regarded as the godless, rebellious ones, so the translators took the liberty of inserting the word despisers, as those who despise God’s mishpat, his righteous judgments.

However, the essence of the passage is maintained. The way it is used by Paul seems to confirm that this whole passage is a warning to the Jewish nation. They are the ones who have departed from Torah, or the laws of God. They are the ones who are about to witness something that they will not be able to believe.

Why did Habakkuk say this? What was going to happen that the Jews would find so unbelievable? So unbelievable that God said they would taw-mah taw-mah – be overwhelmed in wonder. It was the fact that their allies, the Babylonians, were going to be used by God to destroy them. Remember that good king Josiah did commit one fault at the end of his career that cost him his life. He marched out to oppose Egypt, who was marching to fight Babylon. Josiah was defeated, Babylon was not. This was not to be believed, as weren’t the Judeans God’s own covenant people? Wasn’t Babylon good friends with Josiah, hearkening back to the days of Hezekiah, when Babylon sent an envoy to console Hezekiah in his sickness (Is 39:1)? Political events in Judah were about to take a most unexpected turn. Did not covid cause politics to take an unimaginably tyrannical turn in our own nations? Have not all our governments betrayed us? Who would of believed it before the fact?

God is sovereign. His people today, just like during this time, keep forgetting this fact. Thus he performs a work that catches all by surprise. He even hides the particulars from his prophets, to test all of us, to see how we will respond.

This leads us to the second great truth, beginning in this verse. Habakkuk, just like us, is sick with grief over what he sees transpiring in his beloved country. Evil has gotten so bad, and he has been praying so long, yet no relief is in sight. Instead, God seems to show him more and more evil (v3), which serves as a torment to his righteous soul.

Beginning in verse 5, God finally answers. However the reply God will give is not what Habakkuk expects. Instead of sending revival, or simply directly removing the wicked rulers, God is going to cause their political allies to betray them, invade them, and destroy them! He will allow a nation that is even worse than them to wipe them out! After all this intercession, fasting and pleading with the Almighty, this is the answer that he gives? How can this be?

As we continue in this book, we will learn how Habakkuk responds to this very unwelcome turn of events. Will he blame God, accuse him of not being fair, and walk away from him? Will he lose faith in his Lord, and be given to despair? Or will be try to pretend that all is well, that it’s business as usual, and do his best to ignore the harsh reality that God sets before him? Or will he acknowledge that God is truly God, and humbly submit to his mishpat, his verdict, his decision regarding Judah’s wickedness, and accept and praise him anyway?

Hab 1:6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs.

The commentators say bitter and hasty may also be translated as cruel and merciless, though Strong’s concordance does not necessarily give that sense, but I will take their word for it. They were bitter in the sense of hard to swallow. They would not waste time in attacking Judah. They are not here to come and go, or to harm just a portion of the land. They would eventually march throughout the entire region. The goal was to take away the wealth of Judah.

I think there is an important lesson in this verse. Habakkuk may of spoken these words as far back as 650 BC. In 605, the Babylonians (who are the Chaldeans), attacked Judah, and carried away some of the people, and some of the temple treasures. They certainly did not march throughout all the land. So I am sure that there were enough ‘internet keyboard warriors’ out there who were ready to jump all over Habakkuk as saying that he was a false prophet, because this word was not precisely fulfilled. Is this not the test of a true prophet? All the cessationists love to continually point this out to us.

What they failed to see is that a partial fulfillment does not mean that a complete fulfillment will not yet come. Even in 597, Nebuchadnezzar invaded a 2nd time, and more destruction occurred, yet not a complete end. Rather than taking heed to these 2 partial fulfillments, the people hardened their hearts yet further, hastening the total fulfillment of this word in 587.

Are we in danger of doing the same today? When covid first hit, many of us seriously entertained the possibility that the mark of the beast and the tribulation was just around the corner. As covid dragged on, coming to some sort of an end, we may of been tempted to think that we overreacted, and started to back away a bit from our opinions. The danger here is that we begin to relax and miss the whole point of covid. Covid was a birth pang, that is heralding the end. It may not quite be the end, but it sure is a partial fulfillment of the end time prophecies. We are in the midst of birth pangs. I personally believe that we are in the midst of the opening of the seals, as I see those as a preview of the trumpet judgments, which do kick off the actual tribulation. In any event, let us not pretend that we are ever going back to business as usual, just because the full judgment had not yet been unleashed. The new Babylonians are here. They are marching, and their goal is that we own nothing, because they will have stolen it all.

Hab 1:7 They are terrible (aw-yome – frightful) and dreadful (yaw-ray – to dread): their judgment (mishpat) and their dignity (elevation, exaltation) shall proceed of themselves.

Here is what happens to the people of God when they choose to reject the mishpat (judgments) of God (see verse 4). God repays them according to their wicked ways. Since they reject God’s mishpat, God says that they will now face the mishpat of Babylon. Not only are they terrible and frightful in all their ways, but they are also something to be feared (yaw-ray). This is the same Hebrew word used to describe the true fear of the Lord. Since they rejected the dreadful, awesome fear that they should of had for their one and only living God, they would know be forced to have that same fear for these cruel and wicked pagans, whose judgments (mishpat) would not be anything like Yahweh’s. With Yahweh, there was always the sure hope of mercy along with the judgment. With Babylon, mercy will not be found. That is because they exalt themselves, and acknowledge no higher power. Thus they are accountable to no one.

I find it interesting that Nebuchadnezzar is described in this way, many years before he came to power. No wonder God had to turn him into an animal for seven years, until all that ugly pride was burned out of him, as God would chose to use him to glorify the name of Yahweh in Dan 4:34-37.

Now would anyone of ever guessed that one who was said to listen to no one but himself, who employed excessive cruelty in his conquests, would be so touched by God that he would end up becoming an evangelist for him? So perhaps in the same way we need to stop obsessing over the spiritual state of someone like president Trump. It is obvious that the hand of God is on that man for such a time as this. Exactly how and what he will ultimately accomplish, is up to God. Let us leave off this potential source of controversy and division and simply pray for him, as God is going to do what he is going to do, whether we agree with him or not!

Hab 1:8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce (sharp) than the evening wolves (who haven’t eaten all day): and their horsemen shall spread themselves (act proudly), and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat.

The language in this verse becomes quite poetical. God is saying that this enemy is not one where you will have a lot of time to prepare. They will be like ravenous beasts. Their instincts have been triggered. As the famished predator leaps to the prey, so these greedy, lusty pagans will leap upon Judah, to tear and devour.

Does this not remind us of the globalists since 2020? They are unrelenting. They throw one torment on us after another. As soon as you think you’ve beaten back one attack, they launch two more. We are spread so thin in trying to respond and defend our freedoms, that we are in danger of being completely overrun. Only God can save us now.

Hab 1:9 They shall come all for violence (unjust gain): their faces shall sup up (gather, accumulate) as the east wind, and they shall gather (take away) the captivity (captive) as the sand (from a root that means to write in pain).

Judah’s instrument of judgment operates solely under the philosophy of violence. They are bent on gathering everything they can from those they are invading. Not only goods, but people as well. The people shall be as the sand when a fierce east wind blows upon it, causing it to twist up, or writhe in pain.

Don’t be fooled by all the nice clothes and the fancy jets of the globalists. They are bent on our destruction, and prefer to administer as much pain and violence as they can get away with. Instead of the usual bombs and bullets, they started this war with injections. Those injections have caused more human misery than any previous war. Now they are adding physical wars on top of plague, and soon famine will follow.

Hab 1:10 And they shall scoff (disparage, ridicule) at the kings (meh-lek), and the princes (raw-zan – ruler) shall be a scorn (laughing stock) unto them: they shall deride (laugh at, mock, make sport of) every strong hold (fortification); for they shall heap dust (aggregate earth), and take it (occupy it).

We see the pride and arrogance of the godless, when they are at the zenith of their power. As Babylon conquered one country after another, they mocked and laughed at any attempt at resistance, knowing how useless it was. No one’s defences were a match for them. They had the resources to build any size of siege mound and overthrow every city.

Do we not detect the same sort of arrogance when you listen to the godless lunatics speaking of the great reset at the WEF and the WHO? They speak so matter of factly of herding all of us like cattle in their 15 minute cities (concentration camps), continually injecting (poisoning) us until we perish. They glibly speak of having to exterminate all animal life, to stop the spread of a disease that does not exist, and if it did, they were the ones who created it. They tell us to save the planet by ceasing to use any energy, while they continually poison the skies worldwide via chemtrails. They must rejoice in wicked glee as they see the vast majority of the sheep fall for the covid scam. How Schwab gloated when he disclosed that over half of Trudeau’s inner cabinet were WEF puppets! How they must despise the masses, allowing someone like Biden and Harris to be in charge of America, when they really belong in a nursing home and a special needs home, respectively. We are entering into the time of satan’s finest hour. Those demons that control these puppets cannot but help but gloat as they watch the fall of the west, and America in particular.

One last stray thought came to me as I read this verse. They shall heap dust – perhaps an obscure modern day hint at the dustification of the twin towers, and the end result of the dustifying of certain buildings when hit with DEW (direct energy weapons)?

Hab 1:11 Then shall his mind (ruach – wind, spirit) change, and he shall pass over (aw-bar – can refer to any type of transition, to transgress), and offend (destroy, or be found guilty), imputing this his power unto his god (eloah – a diety).

As the wind abruptly changes course, so Babylon exceeds the bounds set for him by Yahweh, thinking that whatever demon god he worships is where he has gotten his seemingly unlimited power to destroy and transgress. This is a common theme in the old testament. God’s people rebel. God tries to call them back. They refuse and sin more and more. Eventually God has no choice but to raise up a people that are not his, and gives them power and authority to conquer, in order to chastise his people. Yet every time due to their inherent cruelty and wickedness they inevitably exceed the bounds the Yehovah has set for them, and think that their greatness comes from themselves, or from the false gods that they serve. This then results in their eventual destruction, and it is far more comprehensive than what they had meted out to their opponents.

Habakkuk’s Second Complaint

Hab 1:12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD (Yehovah) my God (elohim), mine Holy One (kaw-doshe – my sanctuary)? we shall not die. O LORD (yehovah), thou hast ordained (appointed) them for judgment (mishpat); and, O mighty God (tsoor – refuge, strength), thou hast established them (set them in place) for correction (yaw-kakh – chasten, rebuke, reprove).

In opposition to how Babylon arrogantly sees himself, Habakkuk now interjects his thoughts and questions once again. Unlike Babylon’s false gods, My personal elohim Yahweh is the eternal one. The prophet also declares the truth, given to him by revelation, that the entire nation of Judah will not perish, despite current judgments. However, Habakkuk does recognize that God has raised up Babylon for the purpose of judging Judah, to correct their unlawful behavior.

Oh, if we would only hearken and obey! Do you think that God enjoys using the wicked to try and get through to us? Would he rather not see us simply obey his commandments, and not use every device and subterfuge in order to try and squirm out of what is plainly written?

This reminds me of something Jesus recently showed me as I tried to reread a book I found on my bookshelf. It was a book exploring why people don’t want to go to church anymore. The book correctly stated how much legalism and works based performance was involved in so many congregations, that sucked out all the life from their congregations. But then the book went on to give the answer with a long discourse based on natural human reasoning and no scripture whatsoever.

Regardless of whether or not the solution seemed to make sense, the fault was easily spotted. If you are trying to find spiritual truth outside of the foundation of the word of God, you are building your spiritual life on sand, and not on the rock. It may sound good, it may look good, it may seem like it would work, it may even work for awhile, but when the storms come, it will fall. I was fooled several years ago in thinking this was a good book. Today I threw the book in the garbage.

Be careful what you eat. The Laodicean church serves up many good looking meals. If it’s not based on scripture, it will not provide the nourishment you need to survive.

Hab 1:13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil (rah – wickedness, wrongness), and canst not look on iniquity (aw-mawl – mischief, perverseness): wherefore (why) lookest (have respect for) thou upon them that deal treacherously (deceitfully), and holdest thy tongue (to be deaf to) when the wicked (raw-shaw – ungodly) devoureth (baw-lah – swallows up) the man that is more righteous (tsad-deek – just) than he?

Habakkuk wants to know how can God stand to deal with the likes of Babylon. God is perfectly holy, and no evil can be found in his presence. Yet he is willing to tolerate the antics of Babylon. Habakkuk specifically points out their treachery and deceit, as they were supposed to be allies of Judah. Instead they are turning out to be their destroyers. Even though Habakkuk acknowledges that God has decided to use Babylon to judge Judah, he just cannot accept that God would use a nation that is far more ungodly than Judah itself as his instrument of judgment and punishment. It just does not compute in Habakkuk’s mind.

Are we not tempted with the same thoughts? How can God use the Trudeaus and the Bidens and the Gates of this world to rule over us, and take away all our freedoms? Yes, we have sinned. Yes, we are truly wicked. But in all honesty, our wickedness does not hold a candle to these worthless, vile excuses of humanity. Words cannot be found to describe the loathsomeness of these mouth breathers who masquerade as human beings. And yet God has them ruling over us. In Canada’s case, elected not once, not twice, but three times in a row so far. How can this be? How is this just?

The answer is first and foremost found in the fact that we never judge ourselves as harshly as others. We really are more evil than we think. Second, we are far more accountable for our actions, having much more light and revelation than any other nation on earth. Thus we incur a stricter judgment, as James teaches us regarding teachers (Jam 3:1), but the principle applies to believers and nations in general, I believe. Third, it is just the way God’s mishpat works. We forget the years and years of his patience in action, calling unto us again and again, and generation after generation drawing further away from him. Having exhausted all other avenues of correction, when it finally comes down to total judgment, as it has in our lands this day, God wants to ensure that the lesson will be memorable for a long time. Therefore the punishment will be severe. How many times has our mercy been misplaced when we are disciplining our own children? We cut the intended punishment short, because we can’t stand to hear them cry or be sad, and soon after they commit the same transgression once again! That is because the consequence of disobedience was not severe enough. Look at the consequences God meted out to his favorite people. Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land over one fit of anger. David lost his son because he was conceived in bloodshed. In fact, David would end up losing 4 sons in total, once the punishment was all said and done. Saul lost his kingdom when he refused to execute a man God had destined for annihilation. Solomon had 10 tribes taken out of his son’s hand, for his refusal to restrain his idolatrous wives. Uzziah became leprous to the day of his death due to attempting to offer incense one time in the temple (2 Chr 26:21). And on and on it goes.

Hab 1:14 And makest men (adam) as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them?

It seems as if God made man just like the fish, or the reptiles. There is no ruler to protect them. Like the fish, the bigger devours the smaller, and is turn devoured by someone bigger than him. It all seems to cruel and pointless at times. Has man been created just to be food for the one stronger than he? Do we exist just to make a meal for the stronger man, even as one fish seems to exist solely as food for the one slightly bigger than him?

In any current state of misery and trial, we tend to forget the fundamental truths of our reality. In the beginning, it was not this way. Men did not devour one another in the garden. Only when sin entered into the world, and death through sin, did man devolve into a dog eat dog type of existence. Without the presence of the living God in our lives, sometimes it seems as if man is no different than the animals.

Hab 1:15 They take up (catch) all of them with the angle (hook), they catch them (drag off roughly) in their net (harem – devoted to destruction), and gather them in their drag (fisher’s net): therefore they rejoice (make merry) and are glad.

Here is a picture of satan at work, illustrated by how Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians operate. At times the devil goes after one particular individual. Donald Trump and Artur Pawlowski come to mind. These leaders have been especially singled out by the devil for special attention, as was the apostle Paul during the birth of the church. At other times satan decides to overthrow an entire nation, or even a way of life, such as we have enjoyed in the west, just like a fisherman who uses a net to trap many. Covid was a net tossed over the whole world, and it snared many, many souls. Whether it’s one soul dragged off to hell or many, the devil and his demons rejoice each time someone else is lost forever.

I find it fascinating that the word harem is used for the catching of these souls under judgment in Nebuchadnezzar’s time. This is the word that God uses when he decrees something to be under the ban, like Canaan when the Israelites were to enter the promised land. Due to the depth of depravity that the Canaanite culture had sunk to, God decreed that every living thing was under the ban, or harem – that is, devoted to destruction. It is actually shocking to see that those whom Nebuchadnezzar is sent to destroy, which includes Judah, is also said to be harem, or devoted to destruction.

Is North America also harem? Only time will tell.

Hab 1:16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net (harem), and burn incense unto their drag (fisher’s net); because by them their portion (allotment, inheritance) is fat (rish, lusty), and their meat (food) plenteous.
Again we see the word harem. The word connotates something devoted exclusively to one’s deity, and may not be tampered with. In this metaphorical passage, it is said that Babylon so revered their instruments of destruction that they actually deified them. Another example of man worshipping the creation instead of the creator. They see their weapons of war giving them the ability to conquer all these nations, and plunder all their wealth. Thus they worship their own devices that they have made.

Does not the world enjoin all earth dwellers to worship the creation? Is not this horrid mockery of real environmentalism a worship of mother earth? Did they not worship the jab, as the salvation of all mankind? Do we not put our leaders on such pedestals, that many do fall into the error of idolatrous adoration?

I will not even go there where it says they burn incense, or worship their drag. We know that this has nothing to do with drag queens, but haven’t we had our fill of having to look at even one more of these walking abominations, even by accident?

The things that people have turned to in our generation, calling it good. It does defy belief.

Hab 1:17 Shall they therefore empty their net (harem), and not spare (pity, have compassion) continually (constantly) to slay (destroy) the nations (goy)?

Habakkuk wants to know if God is going to allow Babylon to destroy all the people of the earth until no one is left. He likens them to a fisherman who empties his net again and again, and never stops catching more fish. Will this rapacious plunder never cease? Is there no end in sight?

Of course, we are now in the same boat, so to speak. Will the attacks by the eugenicists never cease? First there was a bioweapon release. Then there was the loss of freedom of movement, freedom to make your own medical decisions, freedom to choose not to cover your face with a muzzle. Then the release of the real bioweapon, disguised as a cure to the first bioweapon. Then a war against the last outwardly Christian nation, in order to drain whatever wealth was left in the west, and launder the money back into the hands of the obscenely rich. Then stolen elections. Then fake climate change. Then chemtrails. Then direct energy weapons. 5g. Mass slaughter of cows and chickens. Wildfires. The unleashing of global militias, with names such as BLM and Antifa. The corruption of our children. The mutilation of our children. The sex trafficking of our children. The attempted assassination of the real president. The takedown of the internet.

Will the attacks never cease?

Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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