

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


July 10, 2022 5:06 PM
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

On July 4th, while praying The Father began speaking.

Time is now for deep prayers.  Prayers of groaning in the Spirit stirring the deep within your soul.

SAINTS,  FATHER YAH REMINDED ME, “MINDS AND BODIES ARE SUFFERING FROM SICKNESS, DISEASE AND SPIRITUAL DEATH.”  We must be HIS intercessors of His Spirit. We usually think of Groaning as something negative, but in prayers it is one of the most important things we can do.  We let His Spirit help us in our weakness, especially when we do not know what to pray for, but the HOLY Spirit Himself intercedes for us with our groans that our words cannot express.

We read this in Romans 8:26-27.  “But the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for Words. He searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for those saints according to the will of God.”

Father continued with….

This is necessary for those still behind the veil unable to see or surrender themselves to My Will, says The Father.   All those ideas and long lists of things yet to do. Let them GO says, The Father.

Let I AM Order your day!

STOP working in your flesh, Start RESTING upon My Rock.

Those still diligently working to be delivered of every wound, shame or defiance within their flesh, My Outpouring has come across the land.

As I stretch forth My Holy Winds, pause, wait and take a deep breathe. . .

Breathe Me In,

I AM the breathe in your lungs, says the Lord Yah

Sit your thoughts and concerns upon My Spiritual Wave I AM sending upon the land.

For new ways to work,

For new ways to make a living,

For new designs

For new ideas, and new revenue streams.

I AM sending forth My Army of Angels,

TO BLOCK all resistance of MY Streams OF REVENUE

Those of you waiting….

WAIT no longer

BE OPEN to My HOLY Spirit who comes to guide, instruct & teach.

Remember, My Voice is the small voice in which you must get quiet to hear.

The loud thundering voice is the enemy, learn to know the difference, so that you can continue on the narrow road towards being My Victor.

Quiet the enemy of your soul, Repent of any shades of darkness within you concerned about your circumstances.  I feed the Birds and I shall feed My Sheep who know My Voice, says the Lord Yah.

I AM offering freedom from the World’s chains of concerns & problems.

Come, Come to ME through My Son, Yahshua.

I AM the Way, the Truth & Life

Rest in Me,

Your Father in Heaven

Suggested Scriptures to read:

Acts 9

Acts 7

Acts 19

Job 21 & 41

Ephesians 4

Hebrew 6, 9 & 11

Revelation 15:2

Worship Song- The Father has been sharing with me about anointed worship.  When we worship HIM through song that does not reflect lyrics that feed our ego, but His Spirit, His Anointing comes upon the land (us). His Spirit will come over you~.  Hallelujah!

I have received many new revelations, healing & mysteries of His Kingdom during my worship. May I suggest Paul Wilbur? Click here for Paul Wilbur

Shalom, Angela

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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