
GREAT SORROW – Patti Young

Photos courtesy Pixabay


Patti Young

I began to hear the Holy Spirit speaking .

” Who are those who are beholden to me? Faithful are the few who will remain unto me. Steadfast, righteous and true, are not the many, but again I say the few.

I look out onto the courtyards and see many, oh so many who now stumble and fall, much discord among these who say they follow me and say they are mine.

There remains fruit on the vine, but many are the branches I have severed from me.

Do you not know my word, know my truth that those that abide in me shall remain on the vine?
Righteous and few are they who remain.

The hour and day is short, many in the kingdom of this world have no concern of the hour or of the time.

Let’s eat and be merry they say, but I tell you the very hour you think you have, you will have not. Soon I will come, and I come as a ruler and a judge.

Prepare the way the voices of truth have bellowed, warning to the many, yet they choose not to hear. By faith, my faithful ones are enduring, for they surely know by my word and they see the signs that are all around them. They know that my word is truth and it will forever stand.

Great sorrow I again say, GREAT SORROW, shall soon fall upon all mankind upon the earth, my judgments, for my time of coming is so very near.

It is the dividing of my sheep from the children of rebellion and darkness.

Woe unto them who know me not, for my grace has been given over time unto many.


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