Great pain is coming to America
May 1, 2020
Krystal Beall
Great pain is coming to America. Great pain is here. Few notice. Few are they who cry out. Few are they who mourn. Fire. Intense fire is upon America. Intense fire is in the midst now. Surrounded on all sides you shall burn.
America has REJECTED me. I have said it. I say it again. Desolation is through the door. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing will ever be the same again. There is no going back. Only an accelerated moving forward. Fulfillment of all that is written. All I have spoken. I have cursed you America with a curse. Your streets shall run with blood, greater than they do now. Woe.Woe to you America. Woe. I shall not spare the nation whom REJECTED me. Nay…
Abomination. Desolation. What do you not understand O harlot nation? Sin soaked. I AM SADDENED PROFOUNDLY TO HAVE BEEN REJECTED IN THIS NATION. These wounds I have received in the house of my friends. Your house has left you desolate. Profane and wicked are you. Prideful and rebellious. Thus ye shall fall. In one hour. Thy hour has come upon thee.
As a woman with child who’s hour has come. Endure she must. The nation travails. Each wave coming closer together and increasing in intensity. Your false freedom.. Revoked. Taken captive. Held hostage. A shattered crown. Crown of defilement for all to witness. The bottomless pit I have opened. The locuts consume. Devour without mercy. Reap what you have sown America. Sown a field of sin. Lawlessness abounds. Reaping a harvest of destruction. Devestation. Death.
All who live Godly shall suffer persecution. Ye shall be hated by all men for my namesake. If ye have not suffered this ..Do ye really follow and know me? Fear not. I AM with thee and shall deliver thee. I AM Faithful. I AM true. I AM who I AM. The way is narrow. Few find. Few desire. Bitter shall be the portion of America. Blood in fury and jealousy. My hand stretched out firm against America.
You have REJECTED me America. You have trampled and slay me anew. Yes. The Lamb is slain. The Lion is Risen up in the fire of my fury and correction. Abasing all who have REJECTED me. All who defy me. You see not as I see. My ways and thoughts are higher. Be careful lest any man deceive you. Have I not warned? Have I not given signs? I AM not mocked. The hour is late. Love I AM. My heart bleeds for the degradation shown me from America. You walk blind to a pit. There is no great for a nation who REJECTED me. There is but an end. Calamity. Desolation. Devestation. Destruction.
Hold fast. Look up. I make all things new. To all who love me…I hear your cries. See your tears. Your prayers I have answered. Believe. Trust. Know. I AM in you. With you. For you. Therefore who can be against you? I have prepared a place that where I AM ye may be also. I know you speak to a most rebellious people..Whom refuse to listen. Many of my own cry they no longer warn or speak…They don’t listen. They laugh JESUS. They do this to me my faithful. This is how I AM RECEIVED IN AMERICA. I will destroy you America. It is here. The hour is now. Not peace. Not safety. Sudden destruction. Draw into me now. Enter in. My door closes. My lips fall silent. There is a whisper…We have REJECTED the LORD.