July 19, 2018
Please take this to the Lord in prayer. I have not received a word from the Father in quite some time, so this REALLY got my attention! He was soft spoken and seemed resigned as He gave this to me early this morning.
“Great destruction is coming to the earth, My son. You and your family will not be prepared for it. No one will. Take heed and take warning, this will not be stopped. It cannot be prayed away. My people have not listened and they will not listen, so many will perish. Keep praying on your KNEES (emphasized) reading and studying My Word. I, the Father have spoken this, so you know it to be true that these things will come to pass. Prepare yourself, your family and your loved ones the best you can for this great destruction. (I asked Him about this. It means to tell them.) I will not relent, I will not stop, I will not let up, until the destruction is complete, thus saith the Lord.”
The last sentence is referring to the planetary alignment happening now and the blood moon on the 27th. I am NOT saying anything significant will happen at any particular time, just that what is happening now and in the near future in the heavens will be complicit in the great destruction whenever that occurs.
He led me to Jeremiah 15, the whole chapter, specifically verse 6. Also, chapter 16, the first 13 verses. Please read and pray on this. There’s nothing more to say.
(Ken Roberts Received This Message early morning on 7/19/2018)