
Good or Bad, Up or Down, Is Your Choice – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Good or Bad, Up or Down, Is Your Choice

1/31/25 5:14 PM


Many things start soon.  Be ready for change, heartache, catastrophes and more.  Not all is what it seems.  As change permeates the lands, many will need to take shelter under my wings if they wish to survive.

Change abruptly blankets all you have known.  Those hiding in sin will be revealed.  Those clinging to the flesh will be put out in the open for many to see.  No more hiding, uses of subterfuge to evade detection, no more lies for you will be out “naked” (not literally) for all to see.

Those in sin will either change abruptly, or be swallowed up even more radically in the sins they partake in.

Each child has a choice of the direction they take.  Good or bad, up, or down, there is no middle ground.  It is time to make choices that are eternal.  Where will your choice bring you to eternally?

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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