God Will Multiply
January 14, 2021 9:55 AM
The word was given to me in French and English .
Word given the night of January 14th, 2021
While I was praying this night , I heard
« La meilleure manière de faire est de pray en amont de ce qui va manquer, Dieu multipliera. Parce que vous allez manquer. »
which translate to
« The best way to proceed is to pray upstream/above/before/beforehand/ahead of what is going to be lacking, God will multiply. Because you are going to lack . »
I believe it means that before something (I believe it relates to food and water ) runs out pray over it and God will multiply.
I tried my best to relate this message as accurate as possible to what I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me. As always take it to the Lord for confirmation.