God rejoices in your faithfulness
April 15, 2020 5:54 PM
Travis Coffey
Revelation 2:10 " Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown."
From the Holy Spirit:
“Do not fear death. There is a time coming when everything will be different for the church. Churches will be taxed, ministers will be thrown in jail, Christians won’t be able to protest anything, and some Christians will be beaten in the streets.
Yes, death is coming soon afterwards, but this has to happen first. You won’t see Christians dying tomorrow. No. First comes some trials and hatred and then later, death.
But the point is not to get caught up in Satan’s attacks for he is weak and insignificant. The point is to be knowledgeable about what is to come and prepare your mind.
Enjoy the days of going to church in peace for that will soon end.
Please be faithful to Me! It really is your only hope. You will see many Christians run to ministers, to their banks, and to their family members but it won’t give them the protection, security, and hope that I provide.
Stand firm in your faith for that is how you stand trials. And when you are faithful you will appease Me and I will reward you. In fact, some of those who hurt you will see Me in you and turn to Me during your trials. I will also reward you with strength. Keep your eyes on Me and not on the beatings that will take place.
I have warned you church. Be prepared and come to Me.”