Gird Your Loins O Mighty Warrior
9/4/24 12:09 AM
Asha B
Message received 22 August 2024
Stand strong, for the day is here. All my words shall surely begin to come to pass. The armies shall now begin to ride, even as my word has spoken to you. They are now at hand and the peoples of this world are not ready for all that is now about to take place.
My children can now see my words enveloping before them and coming to life. Now shall they know that I am LORD and I am their King and there is no other. For no other can stand before me. All I speak is spirit and is truth.
Gird your loins O mighty warrior, the works must now be done. You have heard and have seen and now is the time for all I have said to come to pass. It is time, it is time. Gird your loins and come to me in all things.
All my chosen ones shall be taken to stand in their places. I have raised up a mighty army of mighty soldiers and you shall stand for the people. My people, my children, you are my living army who shall never fail.
My army shall go forth to protect, to deliver, to rescue and to heal. You shall be used to restore my people before I return.
Restore to a position of holiness, to make right before my eyes.
You shall fly to the places I have for you. I shall take each one to their place of work and leave you there until the work is done. None shall leave their post until the work is done.
You shall suffer no harm. You shall be protected by my spirit and my power that abides in you. No man can stand before you for you are all working vessels full of my glory. It is time to move forward.
No man shall turn to me unless I call them. Many who are wicked in this world shall now perish. For their hearts are not for me. They have determined in their hearts never to put their trust in me.
Those who are mine, who have gone astray, I shall call back to me. Many shall return to me out of many religions they shall come. They shall have their hearts renewed and shall walk in my ways.
Many seeds have been planted in the hearts of the faithful. They shall now show forth whether they are my children, who I shall restore to my righteousness, or the seed of the wicked one who shall be far removed from me.
Do not despair for what must now take place. Many people shall now perish, but my children shall rest in my loving arms.
It is time. Put away all worldly pursuits and focus now on hearing my words daily. This you must do. I will speak to you and you shall be ready for my call.
Continue to show kindness to all who pass your way, for this is the works of my children to show forth my loving kindness and my love.
Your loving Father
Isaiah 56:7-8
Thesselonians 2
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