June 24, 2020 4:56 AM
Shannon Howlett
This is a word of the Lord given on August 15, 2017, concerning the remnant. The Lord says it is time to release the fire My beloved ones!! – ” They will create a sound (through prayer, through prophesying, through teaching, through preaching, through evangelism, through signs and wonders) that releases fire – a Consuming Fire.”
Word of the Lord…
“I called for an army and a great multitude came but they weren’t ready (fearful and trembling). So 22,000 left. These were of the outer court.
I had to test the remainder (10,000). These were not of the fearful and trembling type but I am looking for something more. A loyalty, a dedication, a drop everything your doing at my bidding, a peculiar people who love me without condition. It is a peculiar people I have called at this time who have gone through great testing (qualifying). Only a few remain (300). Most inner court Christians will not make it into the Holy of Holy’s. Many are called but few have chosen.
The ones who make it through to the Holy of Holy’s have passed the test (drinks water from the hand as a dog laps). They are fit to do battle. Their weapon is a trumpet and torch of fire which I have given them. They will create a sound (through prayer, through prophesying, through teaching, through preaching, through evangelism, through signs and wonders) that releases fire – a Consuming Fire. These have been with Me in the Holy place. They intimately know My voice. I guide them with my eye. They have learned much obedience through suffering. They love not their own life unto death. They know My name. They are looking for that eternal city. They only do what they see the Father do. They only say what they hear the Father saying. These are led by My Spirit. They will do exploits and release My fire.
These are Gideon’s 300. These are David’s mighty men. These are the Navy Seals of the kingdom. These are My warriors. These are the sons.
Get ready. Your King is coming!”
Where are you located- outer court, inner court or the Holy of Holy’s? Are you among the “300”?
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