Get Ready for the Kickoff!
June 22, 2020
Thor-Egil Eik
My beloved! There comes a time, and now is where love wax cold in most people. You will be hated by all for My name’s sake, and many must be prepared to give their lives for Me in the time to come. Your authorities will abandon the of your country to satisfy the mob or to align themselves with what is “politically correct”.
Didn’t I say that if you have faith as a mustard seed, then you should be able to move mountains! Do not let fear overcome you when the oceans roar! My name has authority over the forces of nature and My name is above all other names! Use the authority I have given you in My name, and the demons must flee. Cast out all sickness in My name and demonstrate in that way the power of the gospel, and lead people to repentance!
There is now a war going on between Satan’s kingdom and My kingdom, and it is only going to increase in power and intensity. Satan will have an hour on earth, where he will eventually overcome the saints, but that will be the last thing he does.
“But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” – 2. Timothy 4:5
Get ready for the kickoff and put on the full armor of God, as there is no way back! When everything has finally started, time will only go faster and faster until finally there is no time left, and I will return to bring the bride home!
Don’t be deceived. I have not said that I shall protect you from all evil; on the contrary, I have said; “Have they persecuted Me, they will persecute you” – John 15:20
Just as I protected My people through all kinds of tribulations, I will protect you, but do not believe that you can rely on your own strength for salvation. Cry out to Me in the time of need, and I will answer you and deliver you, and keep close to Me, and I will stay close to you!
Prepare yourself and others to give their lives for Me and see it only as an honor when you are persecuted for My name’s sake.
The gospel will be preached to all peoples of the earth, and the end will come! – Matthew 24:14 Hurry up and go out with the gospel and you will hasten My coming. – 2. Peter 3:10-12
Look, I am coming soon. “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown!” – Revelations 3:11
I love you with an everlasting love!
Look, I’m coming soon!
Hold on, stand firm!
Your King and Master – Jesus Christ.