Freefall! – Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“America the safety nets that you have trusted in will not break your fall! You’ve trusted in a lie and a liar to keep you from all harm. Deception fills your hearts and deception fills your minds. The Truth no longer exists in your nation! Gone are the days of innocency, gone are the days of righteousness and morality. For you have rewritten My Words to fit your carnal lifestyles, damming your souls in the process!
You think that I don’t see or hear your lewdness that is on display, but I do because I AM! Do not be surprised by the season change of the weather, for it will be a sign that all that I have spoken will be fulfilled in the exact time!
There will be no delay to that which comes your way. No net, no provision, and no person will be able to stop your freefall into the abyss!”
(Scripture reference for this message is Hosea 10)