Four Fold message to the Body of Christ
April 16, 2022 4:08 AM
Sammy Omosh

On 10/1/22 I woke up at 12.40am from a dream in which i went to a building and on reaching outside i had to wash and sanitize my hands.Then i went inside the building and repeat the process-very strict measures were in place than during the covid 19 season!
On 28/3/22 I see a man have an attack and behave in a zombie manner-he is not himself any longer.He was jabbed twice but i managed to talk the parents out of it,only by the grace of God.
On 7/4/22 I saw the following message written on a piece of paper-THERE IS A COMING JUDGEMENT OF WICKED MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL.A PURGING OF SOME SORT.
On 13/4/22 I woke up from a vision at 4:15am in which iam sitting down in a grass with other two people and a screen appears with the following writing-BOOK OF EZEKIEL.In the near future parts of this book will be applicable to us.Ezek5:16-17,Chapters7-10 and 13;20:33-49;21:1-32:28:1-10;30:1-3;34{Case build against the shepherds.};37-39{Russia leading a coalition of Arab Allies against Israel};43:1-5,8 and 44:9-11.
Last week i saw a man holding a map in his hands,it was a map of Russia inclusive of it,s Cities.Watch out for Russia!