December 26, 2021 2:05 PM
December 26, 2021
Scriptural Reference: Revelation/Apocalypse Chapter 18 Verses 7 & 8 “As much as she (USA) glorified herself and gave herself to wantonness, so much torment and mourning give to her. BECAUSE IN HER HEART SHE SAYS, 'I SIT A QUEEN, I AM NO WIDOW, AND I SHALL NOT SEE MOURNING.' Therefore in one day her plagues shall come, death, and mourning and famine, and she shall be burnt up with fire, for strong is God who will judge her.”
Note: I got a Christmas card from a friend in Florida and looked closely at the stamp. Was shocked and saddened at the same time. It said in all-caps FOREVER USA. I almost wept. “Pride Goeth Before A Fall.” Since the Holy Spirit put on my heart the coming destruction of the USA in 1993, I have prayed many, many times for her. But each year it gets worse. God has been very patient and long-suffering for this nation and people. His Mercy, Love AND Justice are all in the Palm of His Hand. My sadness is overwhelming at what will come in the New Year and going forward, culminating in the coming Great Eclipse of 2025, that will cross America, wiping it clean of evil and all its past glory.
Today you are quiet, silent Oh Daughter America, resting after your feasting yesterday. All the money spent. The year winds down, in your pagan calendar, after your pagan celebrations. The clock ticks in the background. Repent, America, for if your are not under My Wings (Psalm 91), when I strike, you will howl and cry scalding tears of rage, confusion and awe. But I AM will no longer hear or abide you! Too Late! For Your Rebellion, Oh Daughter of Babylon The Great!
It is on the horizon, coming your way. Say This Prayer Of My Son Anthony:
“It May Happen, It Will Happen, It Has Happened, Yet Because I Have Lost All Human Hope, I Stand Firm And Unshaken On Divine Hope.”
Note: When the Hurricane hits, its a hell, but as soon as you are in the Eye Of The Hurricane: It Is Calm. Psalm 91 is the Eye Of The Hurricane; rest there under God The Father Almighty’s Wings.