for all of the front line people serving during the coronavirus
April 22, 2020 10:43 PM
Praying on 4/1/20-4/2/20 for all of the front line people serving during the coronavirus. These are the words the lord gave to encourage them…
“My precious sons and daughters who have stepped forward to the call to take care of those who fall prey to the coronavirus in this day. May you know you are called and chose for such a time as this to stand in power and might and you never leave my sight. For you are under the hand of the Great I Am. Seek me daily in all things you do and I will guide and protect you. I am the fountain of living water that will sustain you, so come to me for rest and to be filled up with my cup. For my portion is more than enough for you to get through all that you see and do. I am here with open arms to receive all that you bare as you provide so much love and care. I see all the pain and the tears that fall like rain, know that the Great I Am is your comforter and loves you more than you know. I have created you to withstand this storm that is not the norm. For you are my frontline warriors being led by me to stand against the enemy. For those of you who don’t know my name do not delay and accept me as your personal savior today. Reach out to me and take my hand and I will lead and guide you through my plan. There is so much I want to show you and to prepare you to be all who you are called to be. Come sit with me for I long to be with you to comfort you and to listen to all you have to say for I see what you endure each day. There is nothing impossible for me to do as I lead you through this battle of today stand on my word and seek me where my voice can be heard. I will never leave your side and will always be your guide. Trust and obey what I say for there is no other way. You shall overcome this giant before you and know what you are called to do.”
Your Heavenly Father
Ephesians 2:8-10; John 3:16-17, 14:6
1 John 1:9;
Romans 3:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, 13;
2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 2:6-7
Received by: daughterofthelord