For a time such as this
March 26, 2023
Kyrstal Beall
March 26, 2023
Warning after warning have I given. I have raised up my messangers, watchmen and Prophets for a time such as this. I have poured out my spirit and have given dreams and visions. This is the END. It is the last time. Yet it is only the beginning. MY KINGDOM COME. MY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. I have called ALL men to REPENT. RETURN TO ME. LOOK TO ME ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH AND BE SAVED FOR I AM GOD AND THERE IS NONE ELSE. How few be that seek me. Few are they that respond to my call. Rejoice ALL who have. I have answered prayers for lost loved ones. Do I not love my stubborn souls? Yea I do. Was my blood not shed for all. Yes it was. I AM faithful. I AM TRUE. I AM who I AM. It is much, much later than man realizes. My ways are higher. My thoughts higher. Trust me. Heaven is my throne. Earth my footstool. There is so much good for all who love me. I have prepared a place that where I AM ye may be also. I will come again and receive you. I love you. I have always loved you. With an everlasting love. How I have wept countless tears over mans indifference at my GREAT sacrifice. How I have mourned not for what it cost me, my life… but for MAN. It was for MAN that I came. It was for MAN that I took on the form of MAN who I created in my image and likeness. ALL for MAN. I love MAN though he shows very little love for me. I AM faithful and though I be denied I can not deny myself. I will destroy your kingdom oh MAN. I will tear it down. Yea with a GREAT crash it will fall. Collapsing. Total ruin. A heap of ruin. Smoke and ash. I will do this because I love you. I AM doing it now. Trust me. I desire you live life HOLY. Live with me in the garden as I had intended. I desire the very best for you. I have created you for love. For life. For joy. For peace. For eternity. You have allowed the cunning serpent to beguile you. The father of lies. The most cunning one to lead you astray and down the broad path of destruction. I will abase and chasten in full. I love you. I AM grieved to my marrow to look upon MAN at this time. The rejection I received a second time has left a bleeding wound. My heart mourns yet I rejoice in all that I AM to reveal to you. I give you the garden restored. I give you the desires of your heart. I give you the land of milk and honey. I give you the crown. I give you back the years the locust consumed. I give you back all that you thought you had lost. There is nothing impossible with me. For me. I AM GOD. Just as I gave you myself in the flesh….JESUS CHRIST, LOVING YOU. LIVING AMONGST YOU. You did not recognize me. You could not hear. I give you my kingdom. I gave myself. I withheld nothing. No good thing. Poured out. Rejoice. Be glad. I gave up all of me. I will give you all I AM and all that I have. I AM all things. ALL things are mine. GLORY. Come in….go out. Green pastures. Live. Expect me. Fear not. Be at peace and be exceedingly glad. Life. Eternity. ALL THINGS NEW .
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