
Food Has Become An “IDOL” – Isaac Alvarado

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Food Has Become An “IDOL”

10/9/24 7:20 AM
Isaac Alvarado
"Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day come upon you unawares.“ St. Luke 21:34

"For from within, out of the heart of men, come evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and defile a man.“ St. Mark 7:21-23

Blessings Beloved Brothers On 07/10/2024 while praying here with 2 Brothers I had 2 Things that I need to Share:

The first thing I saw was a person at a table with a lot of food in his mouth and he kept putting food in front of the person there was a lot of food and at the same moment I said that the Lord wants to speak to the people about gluttony / and food and nourishment that has become an “IDOL” for many there are people who cannot even endure a few hours of fasting and are always thinking about food in many of us without knowing it became an idol and something that the Lord also speaks to us for the End of Times is about the problem of gluttony food was not given to keep us healthy etc but it was not given to us to become an idol with love he exhorts us today to search our hearts and our customs of food consumption unfortunately there is a lot of waste. The Lord was not to waste in the Multiplications in the Bible of Food it is seen that every time there was something left over it was collected. So the Lord wants us to eat with measure each ( portion of Manna according to its Day ) it is not a time of ( Gluttony or Waste ).

Prayer :
Holy Father, at this hour we come before your presence in the powerful name of your beloved daughter Jesus Christ, Father, here we are repentant Lord, recognizing Lord that we have not administered the food in the things that you have given us according to your will, Father, today Lord we come before your throne Lord to find graces for timely help and to ask you to forgive us of all sin of gluttony and waste, Lord, we ask Lord for your forgiveness and to show us how to administer food and our nourishment in the name of your beloved son Jesus Christ, amen

On that same Night of Prayer I was able to see a very clear Vision, a Being Standing between the Earth and the Sun in Space, He had white clothes, a Trumpet placed in His Mouth, which was directed Upward as if Waiting for the Order to Blow It:

“And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” St. Matthew 24:31

Prayer: Father at this hour in the name of your beloved Son Jesus Christ we are before your presence Lord that you are speaking to us through signs in the heavens on earth according to your word in (Matthew in Luke and in Mark) Father today Lord we ask you to prepare us for the Rapture of your People that we be found worthy to escape all the things that come upon this earth and to stand before the Son of Man Lord we ask you to fill our lamp and our deposit with oil today that we may be like those wise virgins we ask you in the name of Jesus that your light shine in the midst of this time of darkness and that we may be ready at every moment that our ear is open to the voice of your Holy Spirit and our heart willing in the name of your beloved Son Jesus Christ Amen .:

The Lord is Coming, The Bride Prepares and is Prepared by the Holy Spirit Amen

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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