Focus to be on course – Lasttrumpet777
August 08, 2018
You must keep your focus on Me and My Everlasting Kingdom, to be on course and in My Perfect Will. Follow My Leading and Instructions only. My Will be done, not your own or that of other people. That is pleasing to Me.
It is easy to lose focus and to go off course. You must deliberately keep your focus on Me and My Everlasting Kingdom and seek to stay on course. Do not allow yourselves to lose focus and to go off course. Be determined and steadfast.
Many focus on the wrong things and that is why they are not in My Perfect Will and not on course. There is a way that seems right but its end leads to death.
Your ultimate goal in life must be to reach the right end destination, not to be disappointed at the end. Keep your focus and stay on course until the very end. Then you will not be disappointed. I do not Fail nor do I Disappoint. I Work all things out for good for those who Love Me, who are being called according to My Plan and Purpose.
“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him, He Endured the Cross, Scorning its shame, and Sat down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2