Focus on What God Has Done
8/17/24 7:49 PM
I received this dream two days ago on August 15th.
Before I get into the dream, I want to provide a bit of background. Last year, I realized that I was doing a lot of things that were pleasing to God, but that in all honesty I had not totally surrendered my life to Him. When I realized that, I prayed and told Him that whatever He wanted me to do, I would do — wherever He wanted me to go, I would go.
After praying, I fell asleep and immediately had a dream showing me living in a small town in another state that I had never heard of. A Christ-like man was handing over a classroom to me and telling me about the job and why this particular school district would want to hire me. Incredulous, I got out of bed and researched the town and school district. It turned out that the district had a severe teacher shortage. I applied for the job, and got it. Our family moved to this town, and I began work immediately. Everything I saw in the dream was the same in real life, which was total confirmation we had done the right thing. Now I am at this school, and myself and a few others pray daily for the students and try our best to spread the light of Christ.
I used to feel very, very close to God. Miraculous things happened daily. Two things brought me down from the heights — getting a severe illness that caused me to focus too much on myself, and the world getting hit with COVID. I spent all this time researching what was going on and being infuriated about what I saw coming. The horrible things that have been happening in the world are so incredibly appalling. For me, it has been like looking at an impending train wreck. I know I shouldn’t look, but I keep looking anyway.
I have been praying to God to regain that closeness (and with it, the huge amount of love I had had in my heart).
In this latest dream, I had asked my husband to text my school because I was going to be absent. (I do not have a smartphone.) He did, and then somehow pressed a button on an obscene video that attached it to the message to my school. This was so weird, because my husband never looks at anything like this. It was obviously a trick of the enemy. I was aghast and very worried about the repercussions of this. I was driving to the school to explain, and stopped off at a museum to pick up my shoes. (Not sure what this means — shoes to spread the gospel of peace?)
While I was at this very large museum, I was talking to someone and telling them how I came to be in this town, teaching for this district. Some people nearby heard the conversation, and began to listen. Soon, I was telling my testimony to hundreds of people. Then I began to talk about the horrible text that my husband had accidentally sent to my school. As soon as I began talking about this, the people dispersed. No one wanted to hear that part of the story.
I woke up from this dream with a very clear knowing that I am to focus on what GOD is doing — and tell about THAT. I am to take my focus OFF what the enemy is doing, and stop spreading the word about his actions. I got two additional confirmations within minutes of waking up that confirmed this message. Also, these verses from Revelation 12 come to mind:
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”
We must share our testimony! We must rejoice! The enemy is old news — he is a conquered foe. Focusing on him will only cause God to recede from our vision. We can’t focus on both at once! Only one. We know which one it should be — our all-powerful almighty gracious and compassionate God and His son Jesus Christ.
Blessings to you!