
Flood Dream – Terri Graham

Man Evacuate To Higher Ground During Tsunami by Gan Khoon Lay from NounProject.com

Flood Dream

December 15, 2021 7:09 PM
Terri Graham

Good evening,

I am sending to you a flood dream that the Lord gave my husband, Vaughn Graham, on 12/14/21.

I realized that there was water all around me and I saw tops of trees sticking out of the water in places. I did not see buildings or roof tops of any kind, so I assumed the water was over top of them. I remember seeing maybe 2-3 cars floating. One had a person in it, but I’m not sure about the other cars. The hood was up in the car with the person in it, and I saw a roll of toilet paper in the engine bay, and I told the driver of the car to put the toilet paper on top of it and it would dry it out. Apparently, the car was able run even though it was floating.

The next thing I noticed was a rowboat coming up beside me and I stepped in it and sat down. The rowboat had at least one other person, maybe two. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were there. I looked at the horizon and all I could see was water with clumps of tree tops every now and then sticking out of the water. I remember looking down in the water beside the boat and all I could see were more treetops of completely covered trees and bushes with water. I thought to myself that there is no way people can walk on the ground because the water is too deep. I told the people that I was in the boat with “We must find higher ground”.


God Bless,

Terri Graham




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